We've spent so much time focused on James Holmes and the Aurora shooting that we haven't heard much about Jared Lee Loughner, the last psychopath who opened fire on a crowd.

While the details are unclear, Loughner will apparently be pleading guilty on Tuesday, changing the not guilty plea that was entered last year on his behalf. This may allow him to avoid the death penalty by accepting a prison sentence.

Psychiatric experts now believe Loughner is competent to stand trial, and that he understands the 49 charges against him. Although you can't judge a man by his crazy-eyed mugshot, Loughner's rampage and subsequent behavior reflected serious psychosis. He is currently being forcibly medicated to treat his schizophrenia and delusions.

In January 2011, Loughner opened fire into a crowd at one of then-Representative Gabby Giffords' "Congress on Your Corner" events. He killed six people and wounded 13 others. Giffords, who was shot through the head, is still recovering.

[Image via AP]