
One More Thing: Funniest Movie Moments Ever

ian spiegelman · 08/30/08 06:31PM

Today has been rather grim. Everything in the news is politics and disaster. And the last weekend of the summer is supposed to be fun! So, here is the broadest One More Thing theme ever: Funny. Just post funny things from movies-any movie from anytime ever. Please, please, please let's crack each other up and forget about all the tedious and ominous crap for a while? I will start us off.

Willy Wonka: Drug Baron

ian spiegelman · 08/03/08 07:27AM

As a responsible New York weekend blog person I really should find something to say about this Times article about all the poor Manhattanites who can't unload their million-dollar one-bedroom apartments. But oh my God I don't care! Instead, here is Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory recut to look like a movie about an evil drug pusher.

Family Guy's Top Ten Newscasts

ian spiegelman · 06/15/08 02:00PM

The folks at Adult Swim have compiled another one of their handy little collections. This time, it's the news, as it exists in the twisted cartoon universe of Family Guy. Of course, they won't let me embed them, so you can watch them here. Meanwhile, perfect excuse to post a Family Guy clip of my own! After the jump.

Stars Make Viral Video About Making a Viral Video

ian spiegelman · 06/15/08 11:57AM

To promote their upcoming flick Tropic Thunder, Robert Downey Jr., Jack Black, and Ben Stiller produced this hysterical clip for the MTV Movie Awards. So why am I posting it now? Because I didn't know about it last weekend and because it features Jack Black having his crotch assaulted again and again and again! See for yourself after the jump!

Acting 101 with James Franco

ian spiegelman · 06/14/08 04:29PM

How does master thespian and Spider-Man star James Franco stir such deep emotions with his craft? The actor, and his adorable kid brother, explain the magic in the following clip.

Brits Go Wild at Gladiator Pantsing

Sheila · 06/13/08 11:53AM

Apparently there's a British show called "UK Gladiator." This week, things got so rough-and-tumble that one hot young contestant lost his pants. Not that there's anything wrong with that! (Click to watch the mildly NSFW clip.)

The Muppets Take Manhattan

ian spiegelman · 05/25/08 03:30PM

Kermit the Frog, Woody Allen, Diane Keaton, Fozzy Bear, Mariel Hemingway, Michael Murphy, Gonzo and Janice team up in this hilarious new comedy about love and sex in Manhattan. If you ask me, that Janice kid is going places fast! Trailer after the jump.

John McCain Has Heard of 'The Office'

Pareene · 05/08/08 12:01PM

John McCain's primary qualifications for the presidency are that he's old, he was tortured, and he's been a corrupt Senator for hundreds of years. Also he'd like you to know that he has a sense of humor, which is why he's The Daily Show's most-invited guest ever. On the show last night, McCain once again demonstrated how "hip" and "with it" he is by naming a character on a popular sitcom. One that is currently on-air, even! Not, like, Maynard G. Krebs or something. Jon Stewart desperately tried to get him to appear more presidential by making a joke he knew McCain wouldn't play along with.

One More Thing

ian spiegelman · 04/27/08 05:11PM

A collage of the best scenes from Midnight Run. Pretty much any 80's classic has a bunch of collages over at YouTube. Please post your favorite one-or even just your favorite scene-in the comments.

The Hilarious World of Speed-Cartooning

ian spiegelman · 04/26/08 10:39AM

What do you get when you challenge a cartoonist to draw 200 three-panel comics in twelve hours? Fun times! Artist Nedroid took up the challenge from Cracked and went batshit nutty. After the jump, some of my faves.

One More Thing

ian spiegelman · 04/19/08 04:48PM

SCTV's "Farm Film Celebrity Blow-up"!-plus a surprise bonus!-after the jump.

F/U/C is the New F/M/K

Sheila · 03/28/08 11:02AM

The old parlor game of F/M/K (Fuck, Marry, Kill) is now F/U/C (Father, Uncle, Cousin), former Gawker and noted flaneur Joshua Stein has decided. This week, you pick from Bill Clinton, NYT film critic A.O. Scott, and "legendary boxing trainer" Lou Duva as your dad, uncle and cousin. Choose carefully! Your choices surely reveal Freudian things you'd rather not dredge up. [These Are My Memoirs]

Vanity Fair Proves That Only Men Can Do Humor Or Sexism Right

Hamilton Nolan · 03/04/08 11:27AM

When angry British drunk Christopher Hitchens wrote his seminal "Why Women Aren't Funny" article in Vanity Fair last year, lots of people got upset. Mostly girls. Milking the manufactured outrage like the publishing geniuses they are, the magazine has finally had a woman take a full shot at refuting the thesis [VF]. Unfortunately, they picked Alessandra Stanley, who proves (not for the first time) that she has not one single drop of humor diluting the estrogen and errors that flow through her veins. So on the second day of the cooing and hubbub over the new Girl Power piece (it took us an extra day just to get through it, ha), it's worth pointing out the unspoken truth in all this catfighting: women will never be as funny as men to men. And men run everything.

Ze Frank's social networking ditty

Megan McCarthy · 10/11/07 04:15PM

Add another song to the geek karaoke repertoire. Ze Frank, best known for his year-long videoblog The Show, has released a cute little tune about romance in the age of social networks. "Let's start a social network built just for two," it starts off, and, from there, references networking cliches from hacker-speak to customizable profile pages. Fair warning, though: The chorus, with the repeating phrase "online all the time," has the potential to get locked in your brain all afternoon. Click to play after the jump.

Megan McCarthy · 06/13/07 06:36PM

"Eric told me that he has to assume that he is always on the record, and false rumors are less likely to form if all of the original source material is online." Interesting advice. [Steve Jurvetson on Flickr]