
'Dude, I Got It. The Name!'

Hamilton Nolan · 05/29/09 03:34PM

Pussy™ Energy Drink: "Pussy is a 100% natural drink. No nasty chemicals and nothing manufactured."Pussy is Jonnie Shearer's vision. He set up from his bedroom at 21 and launched in June 2004." You can't go wrong, copywriting-wise. Pussy's not available in America, sadly. [Here, via Copyranter]


Hamilton Nolan · 01/23/09 11:28AM

"Crapstone...Spanker...Titty Ho... Slutshole...Thong...Penistone." The Times reports. [NYT]

Wall Street People: Not Funny

Hamilton Nolan · 01/16/09 12:51PM

Wall Street big shots have their own exclusive fratty Friar-like club called "Kappa Beta Phi" that met last week for its annual—and allegedly humorous—to-do. Let us list some of the unfunny jokes that occurred:

Proletarian Revolutionaries Hack Web Page

Hamilton Nolan · 12/03/08 10:32AM

Bankrupt electronics retailer Tweeter closed all its stores yesterday and fired its employees without warning. But it appears some naughty ex-employees have had their revenge on Tweeter's executives—by hacking the company's web page and placing a humorously profane photo and message upon it for all the public to see! Oh ho! It seems the tables have turned, eh? Click through for a screengrab of the shocking political metaphor that has prompted Tweeter to pay all its employees what they're owed a few people to chuckle, then hit the bong again:

The Funny New Joke About John McCain

Pareene · 08/19/08 05:15PM

You know how John McCain knew his captors were gay? The guards that bound him with ropes and beat him nightly for hours were wearing sweaters. Ha ha ha. No, seriously though, the actual funny new joke about John McCain is that he was not even tortured! Andrew Sullivan argues that all the shit that happened to McCain—"sleep deprivation, the withholding of medical treatment, stress positions, long-time standing, and beating"—now falls under the category of perfectly legal enhanced interrogation, as practiced by the United States across the world. With McCain's approval! Hooray! (Of course U.S. law requires that detainees are treated to one night of a guard quietly scratching a crescent into the sand every year on a holy day of their choosing.) Oh, and no one yet knows when McCain first remembered the guard that drew the cross in the ground with a stick or why he did not mention this fact until 1999, but the story is not from Solzhenitsyn at all but rather from Watergate crook turned evangelical wingnut Chuck Colson, who claimed he heard it from Jesse Helms, who said he heard it from Billy Graham in 1977. John McCain seems to have a habit of making up his own biography to fit whatever his circumstances require and then seeming like he believes his own nonsense. Maybe it relates to those years of torture, during which he'd only give up useless information to his captors, like the starting defensive line of the Pittsburgh Steelers (sorry, wait... that was the Packers.).

Today's Most Tolerable April Fool's Pranks

Pareene · 04/01/08 04:29PM

Above, the official front page of Sam Zell's media concern, Tribune Company, renamed, today, ZellCoMediaEnterprise. Their false front page amused us the most primarily for its thinly-concealed tone of pessimism&mcash;check out the Tribune DEBToMETER! Also: funny pictures of dogs. Bucking the internet cat trend! After the jump, a couple more of the better-crafted 2008 April Fool's Jokes of the Web:

Just Asking...

Pareene · 03/25/08 04:55PM

Has anyone made the "McCain Promises to Remain in Housing Crisis for 100 Years" joke yet? [NYT]

Brave New World

Pareene · 02/12/08 05:21PM

As Mr. Kissinger said in his remarks: "I don't know what a blog is. I don't know how to find a blog." His computer, he said, is used to read newspapers.

"I thought my privacy was mine, not yours," he added somewhat feebly. Powerline's John Hinderaker shrugged and shot Kissinger a lopsided smile. "You should've known better. After all, I'm a blogger." [NYT]