
Don't Say 'Doo Doo' Near NYPD Cops

Jeff Neumann · 07/13/11 05:21AM

A 17-year-old kid says he was beaten by cops in the Bronx after he walked past an officer who was scraping dog shit off his shoe and said, "It smells like doo-doo." Tyre Davis told the Daily News that he was then berated by the cops, handcuffed and later punched several times in the head. Who wouldn't laugh if they saw a cop step in dog shit?

Driving Away From Cops Now a 'Violent Felony'

Hamilton Nolan · 06/10/11 08:45AM

Horrible news for all of you criminals who already have Two Strikes and would really, really prefer not to get a third: the Supreme Court ruled yesterday that fleeing the police in a car is, by definition, a "violent felony."

NYPD Rape Acquittal: The Fallout

Hamilton Nolan · 05/27/11 08:36AM

Yesterday, NYPD officers Kenneth Moreno and Franklin Mata were acquitted of charges of raping a drunk woman in her East Village apartment. It was... a shocker, for sure. Here's the latest on the day after:

Fixing Tickets Is Just 'Courtesy,' Say Corrupt Cops

Hamilton Nolan · 04/20/11 11:57AM

Stern NYC schoolmarm-in-chief Mike Bloomberg is trying to crack down on the practice of NYPD officers making tickets disappear as a favor to friends. Clearly, this is an outrageous assault on the police. Why does Mike Bloomberg hate courtesy?

Guy Arrested for Cracking Jokes Near Police

Max Read · 04/16/11 09:54AM

While it's still, obviously, legal to watch cops ticket a cyclist for riding his bike on the sidewalk, we recommend not cracking any jokes—even at the cyclist's expense—because then you might get arrested. As this gentleman learned.

Cop Who Shot College Football Player Named 'Officer of the Year'

Max Read · 04/13/11 08:51PM

Officer Aaron Hess, the Pleasantville, N.Y. police officer who shot and killed 20-year-old Pace University student Danroy Henry following an altercation at a local bar last year, has been named "Officer of the Year." Now, now—he's not getting the award because he killed Danroy Henry, though, gosh, we can see why it seems that way! No, he's receiving it "for his dignity and professionalism since the October shooting and throughout his career." In fairness, Hess was cleared of criminal wrongdoing by a grand jury, despite accusations that the shooting wasn't justified; on the other hand, the Pleasantville Police Benevolent Association might not want to, at this particular moment in time, run headfirst into the Henry family's accusations of insensitivity and arrogance. [Boston Globe]

Cops Pepper Spray Stick-Wielding Eight-Year-Old

Max Read · 04/05/11 11:18PM

Police in Colorado were called to an elementary school to handle a violent second-grader who had "broke wood trim off the walls and was trying to stab teachers." So they did what any good cops would: They pepper sprayed him.

Dog Killed in Police Raid on Wrong House

Max Read · 02/24/11 01:05AM

Click to viewAn attempted drug raid in Philadelphia ended badly on Wednesday night when a police officer entered the wrong home and shot and killed a dog that had bitten him on the ankle. It's hard to blame the officer for shooting an attacking dog (or the dog for attacking an intruder), but one would hope that when armed police are executing raids they could at least get the address right. [NBC10; video below]

New York Cops Frisking More Innocents Than Ever

Hamilton Nolan · 02/23/11 10:09AM

The NYPD stopped (and often frisked) 600,000 New Yorkers last year, an all-time high since recordkeeping began in 2002. What percentage of those stops led to an arrest? Seven. Seven percent. The other 93% of the time, the people were not arrested. Because they were not committing any crime. Although they were stopped by the police.

Unarmed Naked Man Shot and Killed by LAPD Officer

Jeff Neumann · 01/16/11 10:57AM

The LAPD is defending two of its officers, one of whom shot and killed an unarmed naked man, claiming self defense. The police union said cops have previously been "killed by naked people … who disarmed the officer."

How a Quiet Suburb's Police Force Drove Out Latinos

Max Read · 12/27/10 01:35AM

East Haven, Conn., is a quiet suburb of New Haven with a "peaceful, small-town setting and thriving businesses." Unless you are Latino, in which case it's the place where you're targeted with "traffic stops, false arrests and even jailhouse beatings."