
Dude: Cop Slapped My Dog

Hamilton Nolan · 10/24/11 08:31AM

What would cause a heartless jack-booted armed thug cop to heartlessly slap a tiny little bitty dog? (What!) A wee little Pomeranian mix, slapped out of a third story window? (No!) A tiny sweet little pet trying to protect his precious family, only to be heartlessly—heartlessly—slapped, by a cop, out of a window, falling three stories, its tiny body twisting as it plummeted to the hard, heartless ground below? (I never!) Outrageous!

Give a Cop a Taser, He Will Taser Everybody

Hamilton Nolan · 10/20/11 10:20AM

A new report from the New York Civil Liberties Union says that police in New York are "consistently misusing and overusing Tasers." The study of hundreds of taserings found that the majority of them "did not meet expert-recommended criteria;" that 15% were "clearly inappropriate" cases, such as shocking someone who was already handcuffed; and that only 15% of Tasering victims were armed when the police zapped them.

NYPD in Super Racist Cop Shocker, Again

Hamilton Nolan · 10/18/11 08:24AM

A few weeks ago, we were all shocked to learn for the very first time that the NYPD harbors some racists. Well, it's worse than we thought; some police will apparently lie about being racist. Police... lying? That's not legal!

Cops to Pay Amy Goodman $100K for Wrongfully Arresting Her

Hamilton Nolan · 10/03/11 04:35PM

Here's a video of normal-sized middle-aged female journalist Amy Goodman being arrested by multiple hulking stick-wielding riot police dressed in full body armor at the Republican National Convention in 2008. Sometimes you just have to laugh at the police state. Hey guys, are there enough of you there, you think? What if she scratches your eyeballs?!

NYPD in 'We Are Racist' Shocker

Hamilton Nolan · 09/26/11 08:32AM

New York City is the world's greatest cultural melting pot, so it stands to reason that its police force would be a beacon of tolerance and understanding. Right? Sorry. It turns out some NYPD officers may be racist.

Puerto Rico Cops Just as Bad as Mainland American Cops

Hamilton Nolan · 09/08/11 08:34AM

Puerto Rico! The island that just won't become our 51st state, no matter how much we bat our eyelashes. Still, as a U.S. territory, Puerto Rico has the right to have a police force just as brutal and corrupt as any in the USA.

Trigger Happy 'Taser Expert' Charged with Tasering Dad, Fellow Cops

Jeff Neumann · 08/03/11 04:20AM

West Reading, Pennsylvania police Sgt. Matthew Beighley has a thing for Tasers. Not long after becoming a certified Taser expert, Beighley zapped two fellow officers in March. He also Tasered his dad, and recorded it on his Blackberry. Here's how police investigators say the incident happened, from the Reading Eagle: