
Pictures Imply Affair Between Obama and Coakley

Ravi Somaiya · 01/18/10 08:32AM

Haiti still dominates the front pages. As do slightly racy-looking images of President Obama stumping for Martha Coakley in Massachusetts. Either Obama is consistently about to make out with her, or picture editors find it amusing to imply it.

Haiti Earthquake Aid is Slow to Arrive

Ravi Somaiya · 01/15/10 07:56AM

The two biggest stories of the week — the Haiti earthquake and Google's battle with China — are both developed by all the papers. Except, of course, the New York Post.

Obama May Tax Bankers, Because Otherwise It's Just Not Fair

Ravi Somaiya · 01/12/10 10:00AM

Because we grew up reading newspapers, we take a look at what they print each day. Today: Florida is cold. Bankers are rich, want to be richer, Rupert Murdoch's television division continues to be the top story for Murdoch's tabloid.

Your Daily Look at What's in Newspapers: It's Conan Time

Ravi Somaiya · 01/11/10 09:39AM

Because we grew up reading newspapers, we take a look at what they print each day. Today: Mudoch-owned paper goes big with a report that Conan O'Brien is going to a Murdoch-owned network, and Goldman Sachs breaks out tiny violins.

Family of Mexican Drug Wars Hero Gunned Down

Ravi Somaiya · 12/23/09 08:34AM

The broadsheets all go with the news that the family of a Mexican special forces hero, killed battling a drug cartel, were gunned down hours after his funeral. But in cheerier news, one story does feature the words "Christmas miracle."

Anthony Marshall Will Go to Jail

Ravi Somaiya · 12/22/09 08:59AM

The 85-year-old will serve between one and three years on the Astor case, report the Daily News and New York Times. Elsewhere there's holiday travel news. And, of course, Brittany Murphy's past gets dredged up.

Brittany Murphy Is Not Big Enough for the Broadsheets

Ravi Somaiya · 12/21/09 08:46AM

The tabloids share a headline on the story of Brittany Murphy's death. The broadsheets either didn't think it merited much front page space, or the news broke too late for them. They covered the snow though! And the mafia!

Climate Summit Showdown

Ravi Somaiya · 12/18/09 08:39AM

Is how some of the papers dramatize the doubtless grinding negotiations in Copenhagen. Also: the New York Post think the Upper West Side is "trendy", there's a new villain in healthcare reform and a drug cartel boss was killed.

Tiger Woods Wishes People Would Stop Giving Him Awards

Ravi Somaiya · 12/17/09 08:38AM

It's (another) bad day to be Tiger — this time because the AP voted him athlete of the decade and everyone has new jokes about his 'athleticism'. But it's a good day to be an insurgent fighting US predator drones!

Tiger Woods Story 4,786,874 Breaks

Ravi Somaiya · 12/16/09 08:46AM

The number is a rough estimate — the story today is that his wife has moved out. Also: there may be casinos in New York soon, the LA Times still loves drugs and young people these days are square dancing.

The Public Option Is Actually, Really Dead This Time

Ravi Somaiya · 12/15/09 08:22AM

The story that a blend of incompetence, corruption, stupidity and blind ideology have killed meaningful healthcare reform dominates. And Tiger Woods' woes increase: his doctor is investigated over doping allegations.

Tiger Woods Unites the Press Once More

Ravi Somaiya · 12/14/09 08:22AM

The story that Accenture has abandoned its lead pitch-man dominates the tabloids, and also appears in the New Yorker. Perhaps Tiger will now empathize with all the other recession stories in the papers today.

Obama and Goldman Sachs Spread Peace and Light

Ravi Somaiya · 12/11/09 08:24AM

Goldman Sachs' decision to curb bonuses, and President Obama's Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech, are just two of the optimistic stories in today's optimistic papers.

Public Option? What Public Option?

Ravi Somaiya · 12/10/09 08:12AM

Yesterday it was news that the public option had died in the Senate healthcare bill. Today it's news that Senators think it's a good thing. Oh well. It was a nice idea. Back to poverty and sickness everyone!

The Death of Healthcare Reform

Ravi Somaiya · 12/09/09 08:35AM

The public option is dead — even though some papers report the weasel words senators are using to hide this fact. And the Washington Post has the most hypocritical front page in recent memory.

It's Not Easy Being Green

Ravi Somaiya · 12/07/09 08:04AM

World leaders are meeting in Copenhagen to try and curb global warming. The tabloids are doubtless checking to see if Tiger Woods has a mistress there — because he apparently has them everywhere else.