
The Very Long Glenn Beck NYT Magazine Profile

Jeff Neumann · 10/03/10 01:00PM

So we finally read the long New York Times Magazine profile of babbling television person Glenn Beck. At this point, it's hard to remember what crazy shit about the guy we already knew. Here's a quick look at it.

Bill O'Reilly and Bill Maher Butt Heads Over Religion

Matt Cherette · 09/30/10 10:40PM

On tonight's Factor, Bill O'Reilly and Bill Maher had quite the discussion about religion. You see, O'Reilly is Catholic, and Maher is atheist. What's more, Maher thinks any religious person is an idiot. What could possibly go wrong here? Video inside.

Fox News' Latest Anti-"Mosque" Propaganda: The 9/11 Body Map

Matt Cherette · 09/10/10 04:13PM

This morning, Fox News jacked up its anti-"Ground Zero Mosque" propaganda by broadcasting a "map" that identified remains of 9/11 victims and their proximity to the proposed building site—all with a decidedly biased, fear-mongering tone. Video inside.

Jon Stewart: MSNBC Should Take Notes From Fox News

Matt Cherette · 09/09/10 10:31PM

Tonight, Jon Stewart noted President Obama's shift from bipartisan love machine to Republican-killing campaign shark, and—namely—the media's reaction to it. The verdict? MSNBC should emulate Fox News' skew-the-news-to-fit-our-narrative mantra, and Rick Sanchez is an effing idiot. Video inside.