
Rich Juzwiak's Definitive Take On That Ultragrrrl Article

Emily Gould · 03/14/07 01:10PM

Yesterday, our allegedly cooler siblings at Idolator shared their thoughts about Tricia Romano's In Defense of Ultragrrrl Voice cover story. Today, world champion cat blogger Rich Juzwiak of Fourfour weighs in, so brilliantly that we believed in the internet again (again!) The whole thing is a must-read, but we have plucked out the highlights in deference to your ADD. If you only read one more bullet-pointed list about Ultragrrrl, let it be this one!

Best In Show: Blog Pets Face Off. Meow!

Emily Gould · 12/05/06 04:00PM

"Omg, totes out of stuff to write about at today. Oh, hey, look, Fluffy is doing that thing where he puts his paw over his eyes. Awww! [Digital camera snap noise]" Sound familiar? It does to the bloggers listed after the jump, who are famous ("famous") for posting about their pets. At the risk of sounding like a total girl, we guess they're like adorable or whatever. But as you know, everything is a competition. So: these three fuzzy fluffballs of Kute will face off in a poll later on, once they've inspired some other bloggers to put their own animal companions' honor on the line. To be considered, though, the pet in question has to have been the subject of a lot of blog posts. And while costumes are obviously a plus, entrants who have a blog that's just about their pet will not be considered because of sheer patheticness. Also, please remember that we are just talking about the pets here and not the blogs. You can save your mean comments about which of the bloggers below you hate most when we're singling them out for, like, "whose mom has the worst cancer."