
Chuck Finale Reveals The Best Spies Are All Buttons

Chris Dignes · 05/25/10 01:13PM

In his latest attempt to dismantle The Ring, Chuck shows how the best spies are products of their environments—providing their environments have buttons that fire missiles or upload computers to your brain.

24 Series Finale: Chloe Shuts it Down

Andrew Tatreau-Sherwood · 05/25/10 11:21AM

After eight seasons, 24 has reached its end. In the last two minutes of the series finale Jack tells Chloe that he's fleeing the country, Chloe promises to protect his family and then, in Liz Lemon fashion, she shuts it down.

Lessons for the LOST Creators from Other Event Finales

Matt Toder · 05/21/10 04:45PM

When LOST ends on Sunday, people will inevitably be disappointed, possibly even angry. This isn't just par for the course regarding this specific show, it's part and parcel of the event finale. Hopefully, they've paid attention to some past mistakes.

Our Favorite Moments From Parks & Recreation's Season Finale

Whitney Jefferson · 05/21/10 02:13PM

Enjoy these while you can because NBC has made the terrible decision to start Parks and Rec in a midseason spot next fall. Though the episode was pretty fantastic all-around, we've picked favorite moments for you to laugh at.

Big Love: A Game the Whole Family Can Play

Richard Lawson · 03/08/10 12:18PM

Well, how do you like that. After a wild and shaky season, our favorite (and, sadly, only) polygamist drama ended its fourth lap in thrilling and moving fashion.

The Bachelor: On The Wings of Laying It on Thick

Mike Byhoff · 03/02/10 04:47PM

Decisions, decisions. So many confusing—and arousing—emotions factored into Jake's final decision last night—and it wasn't an easy one! Love was in full bloom, and The Bachelor certainly beat us over the head with it.

'Grey's Anatomy' Has Exciting Arc Planned For Katherine Heigl In Which She Drops Dead

Seth Abramovitch · 07/11/08 07:55PM

The ongoing mutual loathfest between notoriously stroppy film and TV star Katherine Heigl and the producers of Grey's Anatomy reaches a hateration crescendo with rumors that her character will have the plot equivalent of a soft hospital pillow (or maybe an actual one) pressed onto her face by showrunner Shonda Rhimes until all of her limbs stop flailing, at which point her lifeless corpse will be free to pursue whatever big screen pursuits it so pleases. From

Spitzer's TV Hooker Confesses Coke Habit

Ryan Tate · 05/22/08 06:21AM

Law & Order concluded its season last night with a thinly-veiled interpretation of the Eliot Spitzer prostitution scandal. The much-anticipated finale was probably a letdown to any viewer familiar with lurid details of the former governor's trysts (black socks!) or the many racy pictures of his call girl Ashley Dupre. There was way too much investigating and lawyering and way too little fornicating and covering up. Is sweeps already over? Anyway, there were still some worthwhile scenes, including the requisite sardonic one-liner that detective Lenny used to do (directed at a hooker, naturally) and a demonstration of how to destroy a governor-screwing, coke-snorting hooker on cross examination (servicey!). There was also an outraged Spitzer look-alike, a conniving governor's wife (not our Silda!) and the immortal line, "I have a friend in the blogosphere."

Idol Upset Rebukes Judges

Ryan Tate · 05/22/08 01:43AM

American Idol judges made it clear they were no fans of finalist David Cook after final performances Tuesday night, and that may have been what put the emo rocker over the top on Wednesday. Said the Times, "the talk on the red carpet before Wednesday's program was that perhaps the judge's overwhelming favoritism for Mr. Archuleta drove Mr. Cook's supporters to vote in waves." Acidic judge Simon Cowell went so far as to apologize to the newly-crowned winner, saying his evaluation of of Cook Tuesday was "verging on disrespectful." Heaven forbid! Despite the judges' contrition, this is all very convenient for them. The judges were under heavy criticism for staging and pre-crafting their opinions starting a few weeks ago, after Paula Abdul's infamous and obviously-canned comments about a performance she never saw. Cook's victory in the face of the judges' doubts makes them seem a little less threatening and powerful, and their conniving less harmful. UPDATE: After the jump, video of Cook in an ad that aired Wednesday night, dancing in his underwear like Tom Cruise in Risky Business and thus foretelling very healthy emotional and career arcs.

mark · 08/22/07 02:40PM

Since On the Lot somehow survived all the way to its finale despite running on Nielsen fumes for 13 weeks, we thought you might like to know whom Steven Spielberg anointed as the next him. We hate to say we knew it, but we always had a feeling that Lucky Penny would carry him right into his own DreamWorks office. []