In his latest attempt to dismantle The Ring, Chuck shows how the best spies are products of their environments—providing their environments have buttons that fire missiles or upload computers to your brain.

Newly minted spies Captain Awesome and Morgan save the day by acting a little like John Casey and a lot like kids in toy store.

Wade through Big Mike's never-ending Subway product placements and you'll find out that Chuck was a special kid.

Although his "special" status hadn't been a huge topic of debate, it comes at a time when Scott Bakula dies, a terrible loss for Chuck and for Chuck. Not to be forgotten, Scott leaves a video will that cannot be accessed without a Return key.

And so the button pushers and the gun toters will unite, but not without flashy buttons or Ctrl+Alt+Delete. Strap in for a long, Chuck-less summer and get excited for Season 4.