
The Losers' Guide to the NYC Mayoral Race

Hamilton Nolan · 07/28/09 01:53PM

All the smart/ cowardly politicians bailed on the NYC mayor's race when Mike Bloomberg strongarmed himself back onto the ballot. But there is still a handful of comical challengers to our Mayor-for-life! Below, a guide to the losers.

Alex Bogusky Is That Ad Guy

Hamilton Nolan · 06/30/09 03:10PM

Go to any function where advertising "creatives" gather, and you will see that guy: the one wearing some old Converse, or crazy purple-yellow-red-green Adidas he designed himself, online. The average old person would not think such a cool guy could be such a corporate hack, but they would be wrong! We're not here to give you list of facts about Alex Bogusky's career (he's the chairman of Crispin Porter + Bogusky, the supercool ad agency that brought you the weird Burger King ads, Microsoft's current ad campaign, and many others—basically the EDGY agency that's not too edgy for corporate behemoths)—we're just here to demonstrate to you that, yes, Alex Bogusky is that ad guy. Okay:

Meet Kari Ferrell: Criminally Hipster

Hamilton Nolan · 04/15/09 09:57AM

It's a crazy new hipster character fond of criminal and sexual hijinks! Let's meet Kari Ferrell, the 22 year-old tattooed Utah girl who scammed her way through hipster Brooklyn. Sex, lies, cancer, and bands, yea!

So You Want to Be a Fameball?

Hamilton Nolan · 04/09/09 03:59PM

Too often, random people contact us, begging to be covered as fameballs. What they don't realize is that fameballdom is an organic process. This guide will help your effort to become ubiquitous and despicable:

'Jiverly Voong,' the Binghamton Killer

Hamilton Nolan · 04/04/09 12:00PM

Slowly, news is starting to come out about 'Jiverly Voong,' the gunman who shot and killed more than a dozen people in a Binghamton immigration center yesterday. He was an angry gun-obsessed loner, surprise.

Victoria Floethe, the New Media Ingénue

Owen Thomas · 02/26/09 02:03PM

A staff writer at Michael Wolff's Newser, Victoria Floethe, is rumored to be having an affair with her boss. Who knew there were any media jobs still worth sleeping your way into?

How to Write Fake Recession Trend Stories

Hamilton Nolan · 02/12/09 11:06AM

Is the bad economy a turn-on, or a turn-off? With a fake recession trend story, either can be true! Just study this easy guide to manufacturing trends in these tough times. Everybody's doing it: