
Gawker's Year in Review 2010

Gawker Staff · 12/31/10 04:54PM

Well, that's it from us for 2010. If you want to read about our favorite books, music, movies, TV, rumors, feuds, scandals, and stories, this is the place to do it. We'll be back tomorrow—Happy New Year, everyone!

L.A. Times Restaurant Critic Outed by Enraged Restaurateur

Brian Moylan · 12/22/10 02:39PM

When the owner of a Beverly Hills eatery spotted the L.A. Times restaurant critic in his lobby, he refused her service and took her picture, making her identity publicly available for the first time. Kiss anonymity goodbye, S. Irene Virbila.

Facebook Will Thwart Google, Says Ex Googler

Ryan Tate · 12/21/10 02:42PM

Does Google have any chance at all of competing with arch-rival Facebook? Not really, former Google bigwig Paul Buchheit says. Buchheit tells us his old company will probably find it easier to land on the moon.

Team Coco Versus the Taiwanese Animators

Whitney Jefferson · 11/30/10 12:51PM

You know those Taiwanese animations that everyone loves? Last week, Conan aired their own version of the animations (about yogurt.) Two days later, the team of rapid-fire Taiwanese animators fired back with an angry response of their own. Game on!

Google's $6 Million Feminist Bonus to Lady Engineer

Ryan Tate · 11/22/10 03:04PM

National unemployment remains stuck at nearly 10 percent and economic growth is tepid. But there are still golden tickets for workers if they're inside the tech bubble, especially if they're Google engineers courted by Facebook. And especially if they're women.

4chan Censors Itself

Adrian Chen · 11/19/10 12:34AM

The notorious message board 4chan's young founder has fashioned himself as a champion of extreme free speech on the Internet. But blatant censorship is occurring on 4chan right now, after its users attacked a target too close to home.

MySpace Founder's Ugly Divorce, Post Paris Hilton

Ryan Tate · 11/17/10 04:51PM

Chris DeWolfe's divorce is getting ugly. The MySpace co-founder and former CEO now has a restraining order barring contact with his wife and four-year-old daughter. There's also a gag order, reportedly, on unspecified allegations against him involving a minor.

Christmas Looking More Godless Than Ever

Hamilton Nolan · 11/10/10 11:03AM

The annual godless atheist humanist War on Christmas starts just as early as the Corporate American Christmas Season, and with equal fervor. For at least the third straight year, atheists have chosen to assault god-fearing Americans, with advertisements. Godless advertisements.