
Payola Six: Burkle's Billions Can't Buy a Subtle P.I.

Jessica · 04/25/06 05:45PM

According to some emails we've been forwarded, it would seem that someone in Beverly Hills has hired a private investigator to look into Page Six and, in this instance, recently deposed freelancer Fernando Gil:

Payola Six: What to Wear, Another Option

Jesse · 04/12/06 12:03PM

If you're simply an entertained observer, you can wear your Richard Johnson birthday t-shirt to commemorate Payola Six. But what to wear if you're an alleged co-conspirator, a Page Six stringer namechecked in JPS's surveillance tapes? A guy rumored to have an ex-girlfriend-related grudge against shakedown target and Yucaipa Cos. chief Ron Burkle? At an LL Cool J album-release party last night, Sixer Fernando Gil provided an answer.