Payola Six: Burkle's Billions Can't Buy a Subtle P.I.

According to some emails we've been forwarded, it would seem that someone in Beverly Hills has hired a private investigator to look into Page Six and, in this instance, recently deposed freelancer Fernando Gil:
Sent: Tue 4/25/2006 12:19 PM
To: Gil, Fernando
Subject: From Arlene Friedman, PI
Dear Mr. Gil:
I'm a licensed private/legal investigator in Beverly Hills. I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss Page Six with you. If you are currently in the U.S., please call me at your earliest convenience.
Thank you in advance for your attention. I hope to hear from you in the near future.
Investigator's License Number 12382
At least it's not from Anthony Pellicano. More from Friedman, P.I. after the jump.
——-Original Message——-
Sent: Tue 4/25/2006 4:15 PM
To: Gil, Fernando
Subject: Re: From Arlene Friedman, PI
Hi, Mr. Gil:
Thanks very much for your response.
I'm sorry, but I can't divulge the name of my client. I understand why you want to know, and believe me, I'd ask the same question. However my client's name must remain confidential at this time.
Investigator's License Number 12382
——-Original Message——-
Sent: Tue 4/25/2006 5:06 PM
To: Gil, Fernando
Subject: Re: From Arlene Friedman, PI
Mr. Gil:
Thanks for your response.
In answer to your question, I'd like to talk to you in general about Page Six. I've worked with the print and broadcast media, but have never worked with reporters in your particular field of journalism.
I'm interested in ascertaining background information relative to how "gossip columnists" (for lack of a better term) report stories, whether you are bound by the same guidelines and restrictions as hard news reporters, etc.
Investigator's License Number 12382
Do we even need to clarify that Friedman's worked with California Democrats? Or is that totally obvious without confirmation?