Which Real Housewife Is a Hooker?
Brian Moylan · 12/21/11 10:25AMRussian Billionaire Buys NYC's Priciest Apartment for His Daughter's Pied-a-Terre
Max Read · 12/21/11 10:18AM
Russian fertilizer billionaire Dmitry Rybolovlev needed somewhere for his daughter, a student at an unidentified American university, to stay when she visited New York. Nothing too fancy—just an easy spot with a nice bedroom, an eat-in kitchen, maybe an office, and, while we're at it, a library, and, if possible, a terrace. Oh, and an in-apartment gallery. For her art. Around, say, 6,744 square feet? On Central Park West?
The Chicago Sun-Times Sold Just in Time for Newspocalypse 2.0
Hamilton Nolan · 12/21/11 09:26AMBored to Death's Creator Would Like to Buy You a Drink
Seth Abramovitch · 12/21/11 02:28AM
Saddened over the recent loss of HBO's hipster mystery (mipstery?) Bored To Death? So is Jonathan Ames, the guy who created it. But what's the point in wallowing in self-pity, if you can wallow in self-pity while drunk and surrounded by dozens of sympathetic fans? Wait, did I say dozens? How about hundreds! Thousands! No wait, dozens is probably for the best. Ames hopped on to Twitter tonight to announce that all fans of the series in the area should meet him at the Brooklyn Inn on Wednesday night for a drink on him. And he promised John Hodgman will be there! There is literally no down side here, people. Except the loss of Bored to Death, and the possibility of a fire hazard. But free drink! So... [@JonathanAmes]
Will Canadians Wipe Out HIV?
Seth Abramovitch · 12/21/11 01:26AM
A team of researchers working out of the University of Western Ontario in London, Ontario, have received approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to begin clinical trials of an HIV vaccine on humans beginning in January. What makes this vaccine different from the handful of others in development around the world is that it uses dead HIV-1 virus, in a similar methodology that led to vaccines for polio, rabies and hepatitis A.
National Menorah Vastly Overcompensating For Something
Seth Abramovitch · 12/21/11 12:16AM
Happy Hanukkah, to one and all! Sorry — I mean happy holidays. Actually, no I don't. I mean Happy Hanukkah! Let your Heeb flag fly! Gorge on gelt! Lose it on latkes! Spin a dreidel once, watch it fall over, get bored, and go open a present! Hanukkah comes but once a year, and lasts a fleeting eight nights, so best to enjoy it while it's here. The annual lighting of the National Menorah took place on the White House Ellipse on Tuesday evening, with first-night torchbearing duties bestowed upon none other than Director of the United States Office of Management and Budget, Jacob J. Lew. Way to count those pennies for America, Jacob Jew! I mean Lew! I mean — wait, that came out totally wrong. Wow, would you look at that gigantic menorah! That's one big menorah. Don't think I've ever seen one that big. Yup. Real big ceremonial candelabra they're oilin' up over there. Real big. [Washington Post, Photo via AP]
The Hobbit: Dead Ringer
Seth Abramovitch · 12/20/11 11:14PMAfter seven years of rights disputes and one false start, here it finally is — the first teaser for Peter Jackson's The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. It's the first part of Jackson's two-part retelling of J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit, set to debut a full year from now. And good god, it's fucking The Lord of the Rings again. The score, the Shire, the Ians (Holm and McKellen), the font, the Dwarf makeup, the Gollum, the Precious — they're all back. If you wanted to return to Middle Earth exactly as Jackson had left it in 2003, then you're in for a treat. But movies don't tend to age as well as books do — particularly effects-driven ones — and this one looks and feels dated by about a decade. I'll stick to HBO's Game of Thrones, thanks. (Still an immeasurable improvement over The Lovely Bones, however!)
Government: Please Do Not Reveal the Secrets of That Killer Flu Virus You Invented
Maureen O'Connor · 12/20/11 07:15PMAstronomers Say the Earth Has Another Moon
Adrian Chen · 12/20/11 05:30PMDon't Make That Startup Video!
Ryan Tate · 12/20/11 05:15PMRoom for Debate: What Color Is Best?
Gawker Staff · 12/20/11 05:05PM
All year long, we've been entranced by the New York Times feature "Room for Debate," in which six people each share short opinion essays on a controversial topic—important and relevant questions from "If store-bought donations at the school fund-raiser are so wrong, what's the solution?" to "Is Anti-White Bias a Problem?" to "Rising Wealth Inequality: Should We Care?" In that spirit, we've decided to host a small "Room for Debate" amongst the Gawker staff, around the topic: "Which Color Is Best?"
The Sequoia Middle School Newsletter Sure Was Racist Last Week
Hamilton Nolan · 12/20/11 04:46PMPolitifact Is Bad for You
Jim Newell · 12/20/11 04:25PM
The lefty blogosphere is all hot and bothered at famous fact-checking website Politifact for naming Democrats' claim that the Paul Ryan "Path to Prosperity" would "end Medicare" its 2011 Lie of the Year. And yes, there's a solid argument to be made that Politifact is completely wrong. The bigger problem here, though, is why does anyone care what this gimmicky website has to say, ever?
Piers Morgan Doesn't Remember Anything
John Cook · 12/20/11 04:20PMBloated starfucker Piers Morgan finally gave his long-awaited testimony before a British commission investigating phone hacking today. While there were no Perry Mason moments trapping Morgan in one of his numerous transparent lies about his tenures at the News of the World and Daily Mirror, he was at least exposed as having a conveniently spotty memory.
Everyone on Twitter Is In a Three-Year Depression Spiral
Ryan Tate · 12/20/11 04:00PMMan Dies After Eating Cocaine Hidden in His Brother's Butt
Brian Moylan · 12/20/11 03:48PMDo We Really Need Two Linda Lovelace Biopics?
Maureen O'Connor · 12/20/11 03:05PM
Why does Hollywood do everything in duplicate? After Lindsay Lohan dropped out of Linda Lovelace biopic Inferno, Amanda Seyfried announced she would be playing Lovelace. Shortly thereafter, Malin Akerman announced she would replace LiLo as Lovelace. Why are there so many mixed signals in the casting of this role, I wondered.
Do Not Shoot Your Gun in the Air, Lest You Kill Someone
Hamilton Nolan · 12/20/11 02:53PM
Rachel Yoder, a 15 year-old Amish girl in Ohio, was riding home in her buggy from a Christmas party last week when she was, mysteriously and without warning, shot in the head and killed. Now police have found the killer: a man who fired his "muzzle-loading rifle" into the air while cleaning it, more than a mile away.