
Little Weiner Emerges

Max Read · 12/22/11 09:45AM

A hearty mazel tov to well-known penis photographer Anthony Weiner and his way-out-of-his-league wife, State Department attaché Huma Abedin, who gave birth yesterday to a boy. Jordan Zane Weiner clocked in at seven pounds and was born ten days early, giving him a head start on his journey to The Most Awkward Father-Son Conversation of All Time. [NYP, image via AP]

Steve Jobs Gets a Grammy

Ryan Tate · 12/21/11 07:36PM

The Recording Academy announced Steve Jobs will receive a Trustees Award. Jobs's Apple won a technical Grammy in 2002, but this posthumous honor puts him in pantheon with The Beatles - who Jobs promised he'd never sell music (oops!).

Game Change: Sarah Palin Is Filmdom's Greatest Villain

Jim Newell · 12/21/11 05:35PM

Here's HBO's teaser for its upcoming adaptation of Mark Halperin and John Heilemann's book Game Change, the definitive account of gossipy things that people told Mark Halperin and John Heilemann during the 2008 presidential campaign. This clip suggests that, well, Sarah Palin may not be portrayed very nicely?

The Porny Pastimes of the World's Most Famous Sperm Donor

Adrian Chen · 12/21/11 05:21PM

The FDA is cracking down on a San Francisco man who gives away his spooj on the internet to people he meets through his website. So far, Trent Arsenault has helped 14 couples get pregnant. But not all of them are aware that Arsenault is turning his "donations" into a torrent of amateur porn.

Science Confirms: Santa Real

Hamilton Nolan · 12/21/11 04:50PM

Carp Christmas! Nanophotonic Christmas! Fire Christmas! Pepper Christmas! Vitamin Christmas! Gene Christmas! Campus Christmas! Computer Christmas! And the all important Christmas Christmas! It's your Christmas Science Watch, where we watch science—it's almost Christmas!

Chinese Hackers Beat U.S. Chamber of Commerce Into Total Submission

Ryan Tate · 12/21/11 04:40PM

Hackers in China have reportedly gained total access to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce's computer systems, including six weeks of emails relating to the lobbying group's Asia policy. After the FBI alerted the Chamber to the breach, the pro-business group hired private computer investigators to fix the problem. But the free market has been utterly helpless to stop this communist menace.

Professional Troll Flees Iowa In Fear

Hamilton Nolan · 12/21/11 02:41PM

University of Iowa professor and pretentious troll-journalist Stephen Bloom recently wrote an article in The Atlantic mocking Iowa as a backward, hick-filled state full of people smoking meth out of corncobs (paraphrasing). Which it is, probably! (Never been there personally, thank god.) But now Stephen Bloom has literally fled the state in terror to "an undisclosed location" after Iowans got mad at him. You're doing this all wrong, Stephen Bloom.

Behold Rick Perry's Cat-Like Pounce on His Wife

Jim Newell · 12/21/11 02:15PM

Rick Perry's latest ad, "American Story," starts off with a good concept: It eliminates "Rick Perry" from the ad altogether, instead leaving things to his wife, Anita. She tells us about their early years, like when Rick Perry joined the Air Force and "flew planes all over the world." Okay, fine. But then, around, :24, her husband makes his entrance. Nay — he makes the campaign ad entrance of the year, hopping onto a ledge. Oh my God. [Standing ovation.]

Use 'Romance Scams' To Score Free Therapy This Holiday Season

Ryan Tate · 12/21/11 02:02PM

There was a 30 percent increase in complaints about "romance scams" last month, according to Western Union. A "romance scam" is where someone spends months and months having in-depth email conversations with you, and then gets you to send them money. Except for the lack of a proper couch, formal credentials, and some honesty, these scams sound a lot like psychological counseling. So why not reverse the scam?

Court Docs Confirm O'Reilly's Crusade Against Cuckolding Cop

John Cook · 12/21/11 01:50PM

The Nassau County Police Department has acknowledged in a court filing that Bill O'Reilly played a role in an internal affairs investigation into an NCPD detective, confirming a key element of Gawker's exclusive story last August detailing how the Fox News blowhard tried to have the cop who was dating his wife investigated by his own police department.

Gary Johnson Will Run for Top Republican Screwer-Overer

Jim Newell · 12/21/11 12:55PM

Former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson has dropped out of the Republican presidential race. He rarely ever polled above 8 — people, not percentage points. He made a popular Rush Limbaugh joke about doggie poop during one of the two debates in which he appeared. He took his shirt off for the papers and rode a bike. He courted pagans, online gamblers, and other knaves. And now he will run for the Libertarian party nomination, and maybe decide the presidential election.

The Kardashians Might Use Child Labor to Make Their Clothes

Brian Moylan · 12/21/11 12:35PM

First there was Kim's whole wedding debacle, now there's the PR bombshell that some of the clothes the Kardashians sell on QVC and other products they endorse are made in China using what is akin to slave labor. Uh-oh!

Did Kim Jong-il Really Die on a Train?

Adrian Chen · 12/21/11 11:20AM

Kim Jong-il died on a train Saturday morning… or did he? The Kim Jong-il conspiracy theories are starting to flow. There's nothing so far about Kim getting plastic surgery and joining a Ukrainian pro hockey team, but give it time.

Girl, Microfamed

Hamilton Nolan · 12/21/11 11:10AM

Might as well get THIS one out of the way: the Sex/ Internet/ Microfame story of the week comes to us courtesy of Kat Stoeffel at the New York Observer, who introduces us to 21 year-old college student and occasional writer-about-sex on the internet "Marie Calloway" (a pseudonym). Sometimes Marie writes about sex, on Tumblr, or on Thought Catalog. Does this make her "the model for literary seductresses" in the "internet age?" No. It just makes her a girl, with a Tumblr.