'Obama Shuts Down Main Street USA': An Exciting New Opportunity to Make Bad Jokes
Jim Newell · 01/18/12 03:30PM
President Obama will visit Walt Disney World tomorrow. The plan is to "unveil a strategy that will significantly help boost tourism and travel," according to the White House, which informs us that this is "an important sector in the U.S. economy." All well and good, but let's skip to the important part: What delicious Republican wisecracks that we'll hear ten million times over the next year will emerge from this?
David Brooks Loves Secrecy, Hates Journalism
Hamilton Nolan · 01/18/12 03:20PM
New York Times opinion-haver David Brooks is not a "journalist," per se; he's more of an "amiable prick." Still, he is employed by a newspaper, and he writes about news. One would think he might be, at least, in favor of, you know, journalism, or at least the spreading of facts, in the public interest. Not so!
Lana Del Rey Is Waiting for Brian Williams to Apologize
Leah Beckmann · 01/18/12 03:05PMNeil Patrick Harris and His Husband Are Never Allowed to Break Up
Brian Moylan · 01/18/12 02:05PMSo Long, You Filthy Canadian Tar Pipeline
Jim Newell · 01/18/12 01:34PM
Congressional Republicans forced the Obama administration to expedite its decision on constructing the Keystone XL pipeline late last year, and today they're getting their answer: No Keystone XL pipeline. Our president has abandoned the oppressed Canadian tar sands, who only ever wanted a one-way ticket to Texas and the chance for a freer, more refined life.
'Sexually-Explicit' Tattoo That Lead Pinkberry Founder to Beat a Homeless Man Revealed
Brian Moylan · 01/18/12 01:10PMDid Newt Gingrich Out Brit Hume's Dead Gay Son?
John Cook · 01/18/12 01:00PM
Out of nowhere, the Miami Herald has dusted off and expanded upon one of Washington's oldest and juiciest political rumors: The one about a rising young beltway journalist and his gay affair with a powerful GOP congressman, and how the journalist shot himself in the head when his lover's political rival threatened to out them. According to the Herald, that rival may have been Newt Gingrich.
Little Girls Protest Iran Barbie Ban: Alternate Doll 'Ugly and Fat'
Maureen O'Connor · 01/18/12 12:50PM
Ooh boy. Here's a quote that speaks volumes, from Reuters' article about Iran's morality police "cracking down" on the sale of Barbie dolls, which is forbidden. Stores have been instructed to sell Iran's specially-designed, ultra-demure Sara and Dara dolls instead, to the disgust of the superficial girl tykes of Tehran:
Paula Deen Is a Greasy Villain
Hamilton Nolan · 01/18/12 12:38PMStupid High School Kids (and Teachers) Freak Out Over Wikipedia Blackout
Max Read · 01/18/12 12:08PMAmericans Love Cheez; But Are They Ready for Cheese?
Hamilton Nolan · 01/18/12 11:49AMWhich Actor Got in a Bar Brawl Because of a Gay Hooker?
Brian Moylan · 01/18/12 11:27AMJohnny Depp and His Lady Friend Split, Middle Aged Women Rejoice
Brian Moylan · 01/18/12 11:13AMArianna Huffington's Global Cocktail Party
Hamilton Nolan · 01/18/12 09:56AMStephen Colbert Addresses Allegations of Coordinating With His Super PAC
Matt Toder · 01/18/12 12:10AMOn tonight's Colbert Report, Stephen Colbert addresses allegations of coordinating with his Super PAC brought forth by Buzzfeed's Ben Smith. Smith found some inconsistencies in the timing of yesterday's Report and the Super PAC's most recent ad, which presented eerily similar ideas. But those inconsistencies were easily explained away with something Smith didn't account for: Colbert and Jon Stewart have ESP. Which is really useful, until one of them burns themselves on the stove.
Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert Avoid Coordinating on Tonight's Daily Show
Matt Toder · 01/18/12 12:01AMBy now we all know that Jon Stewart has taken over Stephen Colbert's Super PAC and has started running some attack ads. But what should he do next? And how can he figure that out without coordinating with Colbert? On tonight's Daily Show, Stewart and Colbert made a clever mockery of the Super PAC rules and didn't coordinate the entire time.
Rick Perry Inadvertently Raises Good Point about Turkish Terrorism
Danny Gold · 01/17/12 11:30PM
Another GOP debate was held last night, providing ample opportunity for disconnected rich old white men to say ignorant, mildly racist things. Stem-cell experiment/bad suit wearing mannequin Rick Perry is widely acknowledged to have made the gaffe of the night for the answer he provided on an oddball question regarding Turkish relations.
L.A. City Council Demands Condoms in Porn
Danny Gold · 01/17/12 09:04PMJury in California Decides Size Does Matter
Danny Gold · 01/17/12 07:58PM
Poor Matthew Wall. A tragic motorcycle crash shortly after he got married left him with extensive nerve damage, a shattered pubic ramus bone, and some unfortunate damage to his penis. Reconstructive surgery could only help so much, and the 27-year-old Navy man lost a total of 1.5 inches from his manhood.