
David Choe Just Made $200 Million For Painting Facebook Office with Erotic Art in 2005

Nell Jensen · 02/01/12 11:46PM

If then-President of Facebook Sean Parker had come to you in 2005, asked you to paint his new offices with a bunch of cocks, and then offered to pay you in either a few thousand dollars in cold hard cash or just the equivalent in company stock, you would probably have gone for the cash, right? Particularly if the company seemed on the whole sort of "pointless" to you, as it did to so many of us around then even though we were already becoming addicted to it? Fortunately for the painter, wild child graffiti artist David Choe, he picked the stock, which the New York Times points out is now about to be worth $200 million:

Jon Stewart Checks In on Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich in the Wake of the Florida Primary

Matt Toder · 02/01/12 11:41PM

On tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart checked in with Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich after the Florida primary wherein Mitt Romney won big. Figuring that he's got his party's nomination sewn up, Romney broke out his general election platform, which featured a shot at teachers. Undeterred by the results of the Florida primary, Gingrich started talking about what he will do on the first day of his presidency. It all made for some great grist for Jon Stewart's mill.

Nobel Prize-Winning Polish Poet Wislawa Szymborska Dead at 88

Nell Jensen · 02/01/12 10:16PM

Wislawa Szymborska, the 1996 winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature, died Wednesday at her home in Krakow, Poland, from lung cancer. She published fewer than 400 poems in her lifetime and was known as a recluse despite being Poland's most famous poet. Her verse was loved for its simplicity and sense of humor and often used everyday objects such as a cat or an onion "to reflect on grand topics such as love, death and passing time."

The Most Memorable Moments from David Letterman's 30 Years on TV: A Video Compilation

Matt Toder · 02/01/12 09:15PM

Tonight David Letterman celebrates 30 years on the air. It's been quite a ride for old Dave, through different timeslots and networks, from the peak of zeitgeist to something else entirely. He's hosted starlets and politicians, often treating them with a dash of anger and more than a bit of sarcasm. Here are some of the most memorable moments from his time on television.

New Kremlin Website Asking for Criticism From Citizens Proving a Little Too Popular

Nell Jensen · 02/01/12 09:05PM

Faced with huge protests in Moscow last December and growing unrest over government corruption and inefficiency, the Kremlin last week launched a new website called "Russia Without Fools" to create a sort of online support group for angry citizens. Russians are being asked to log on and share their gripes about inept officials with a promise from the government that complaints will be reviewed and addressed. No one seems particularly convinced that the site — Russian President Dmitry Medvedev called it a "stupidity contest" — will lead to any problems actually being resolved, but it was immediately popular enough even on its first day that the traffic nearly crashed the servers.

Five Things to Pay Attention To Instead of Donald Trump's "Major Announcement" Tomorrow

Nell Jensen · 02/01/12 07:23PM

Uh-oh, guys: Donald Trump just tweeted that he will be making a "major announcement" tomorrow. Is he maniacally ridiculous enough to run as an independent candidate for President? Is he ending his awful reality show? (Is his show even still on? We stopped watching after they got rid of Omorosa.) Is he perhaps going to half-endorse a candidate just to copy Sarah Palin? Did he write a book of Ronald Reagan fan fiction? Oh well, no one cares. Every photon of limelight shed on this peripatetic gasbag contributes directly to the girth of his already morbidly obese ego. Seriously. Therefore, here is a list of five things cool or inconsequential things on the Internets for you to read about or watch tomorrow during his idiotic "announcement" whatever it is, because they are all more interesting than Donald Trump:

Which Candidate Can Save White People for David Brooks?

Max Read · 02/01/12 06:00PM

David Brooks is concerned about white people: they're unemployed, they're not married, they're fat. But which presidential candidate can save them? Perhaps the official American Enterprise Institute "are you authentically white" quiz can help us find out.

Feeling Old at the Skrillex Show

Adrian Chen · 02/01/12 05:32PM

Want to feel old? Listen to some Skrillex. Want to feel really old? You should have been at the first of Skrillex's four New York City shows, late last night at Webster Hall in Manhattan.

Six Tricks For Getting a TV Show, Via Louis CK and Lorne Michaels

Ryan Tate · 02/01/12 04:20PM

A comedy blogger has unearthed Louis CK's rundown of making TV pilots, posted to Usenet (!) in 2006. Between this fantastic, lengthy document and Lorne Michaels' new interview with Alec Baldwin lie some excellent tips for hacking the Hollywood system, which we've distilled and posted below.

One Lady Brave Enough to Tell Other Ladies Their Blogs Suck

Hamilton Nolan · 02/01/12 02:16PM

The last time overeducated lit mag n+1 wrote a big think piece about a blog, they chased all the smart people away from this here website forever. Now, n+1 is back with yet another in their peerless "How to Overthink Things on the Internet That, In Actuality, Have Little if Any Overarching Theme or Philosophy." This one's for the ladiesssssssss!

Molly Fischer has thoughts about several popular internet "ladyblogs." Like what?

Today Is Simpsons Star Julian Assange's Last Chance to Dodge Sex Crimes Allegations

Adrian Chen · 02/01/12 11:56AM

Kremlin-backed talk show host Julian Assange is back in court in England today, in what will be the final, hopefully failed, attempt to appeal his extradition to Sweden to face rape and molestation allegations. Assange's legal troubles—and the fact that Wikileaks' submission system still isn't fixed after more than a year—haven't kept him from guest-starring in an upcoming episode of The Simpsons. This really validates our decision to stop watching the The Simpsons after Maude Flanders died.

Stephen Colbert Loves Herman Cain's Endorsement of Newt Gingrich

Matt Toder · 02/01/12 12:07AM

On tonight's Colbert Report, Stephen took a look at some of the notable people who have come out in support of Newt Gingrich: Herman Cain, Duke Cunningham and, of course, Sarah Palin. What a well rounded bunch, those three. Taking their example, Stephen pledges his support of Newt as well. Unless Romney wins in Florida, which would change everything. Or nothing.

Twitter Has Some Suggestions For Mitt Romney's New Secret Service Code Name

Nell Jensen · 02/01/12 12:00AM

Well isn't Mitt Romney just a lucky boy tonight: his campaign told ABC News that he will begin receiving Secret Service protection this week "because of the increase in crowd sizes" at his campaign events. Presumably this calculus was made before Mitt Romney decided he would start erupting into song during his stump speech? Anyhow, Twitter is absolutely piddling itself with excitement trying to come up with code names that the Secret Service might consider using for Mitt Romney. Here are a few of 'em in no particular order:

Jon Stewart Dissects Mitt Romney's Private Sector Credentials

Matt Toder · 01/31/12 11:37PM

On tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart examined part Mitt Romney's pitch to Republican voters, that his time as CEO of Bain Capitol makes him uniquely qualified to create jobs in the private sector as President. But, as Stewart showed tonight, that claim is mostly bunk as Bain engaged in some pretty sketchy business practices that Romney doesn't think the United States should engage in anyway. Of course, none of that mattered much to the voters in Florida.

The Insufferable Facebook IPO 'News' Frenzy Begins Tomorrow

Ryan Tate · 01/31/12 10:39PM

Facebook will file to go public tomorrow, in case you missed the rolling thunder bombardment of news articles this week, or in the months preceding. There won't be the faintest reason for the average person to care about this IPO until shares actually start selling months from now, but in the meantime you should steel yourself for endless breathless hype pandemonium. Oh, it's going to be awful.