How Homeland Security Helped Jamaica Massacre 73 Civilians
John Cook · 12/14/11 01:45PMThe New Yorker has just posted Mattathias Schwartz's excellent piece in last week's magazine on the disastrous raid to arrest Jamaican druglord Christopher "Dudus" Coke. At the DEA's insistence, Jamaican authorities reluctantly raided Tivoli Gardens, the West Kingston slum Coke ran as a de facto governor, two years ago. Coke didn't turn up, but Jamaican police officers killed 73 civilians, many of them allegedly in cold blood. A Department of Homeland Security surveillance plane was overhead the whole time.
Baby Seal Breaks Into House and Curls Up on Sofa
Maureen O'Connor · 12/14/11 01:35PMThe Dictator: Sacha Baron Cohen Does Saddam Hussein
Brian Moylan · 12/14/11 01:25PMThe Mayor of San Juan Wishes You a Very Predatory Christmas
Seth Abramovitch · 12/14/11 01:14PMIf you're wondering why the Mayor of San Juan, Puerto Rico, chose for his annual Christmas card to pose his family next to a leopard slaughtering a gazelle, you are not alone. There are several theories floating about: The official line is that Jorge Santini wanted to promote the San Juan Wildlife Museum and its breathtaking taxidermy displays to rival anything in the Caribbean. (There are two alternate cards, one involving penguins, the other a bear and wild turkey.) A second theory is that Santini is sending a not-so-veiled message to his political rivals in anticipation of this upcoming election year. But we're going to throw a third theory out there: The twisted little girl on the lower left is just into extreme Nativity Scenes. Run, Baby Jesus, run! [Daily Mail]
Fundamentalist Christian Professor's Class Becomes Holy War of Touchiness
Hamilton Nolan · 12/14/11 12:51PMBreakfast at Tiffany's Free-Spirited Sex Lair Is Up For Grabs
Leah Beckmann · 12/14/11 12:35PMCreepy 27-Year-Old Posed as Harvard Frosh Because He 'Was Lonely'
Max Read · 12/14/11 12:20PMLast Thursday, a 27-year-old named Abe Liu was cited by Harvard police for "using a falsified identification card" and warned against trespassing in college dorms. It was apparently the first time he'd encountered the police—but he'd spent the semester posing as a Harvard College freshman, sleeping in friends' dorm rooms and even posing for a fashion feature in The Harvard Crimson, apparently because he "was lonely."
Demi Moore Is Not Changing Her Twitter Handle, Goddamnit!
Brian Moylan · 12/14/11 12:15PMThe first thing everyone on the internet—or everyone on Twitter, at least—remarked when Demi Moore announced her divorce from dangling Chad Ashton Kutcher was, "What is she going to do about her Twitter handle?!" Moore has been known as @MrsKutcher for years, what will she do now? Nothing, so stop asking!
Occupy Williamsburg Occurred at a Bar with a Taco Truck
Maureen O'Connor · 12/14/11 12:05PMWoman Killed in Freak Elevator Accident
Brian Moylan · 12/14/11 11:55AMRonn [sic] Torossian Has a 'Juvenile Division'
Hamilton Nolan · 12/14/11 11:46AMFeds Crack Down on Guy Who Wants to Give You His Sperm for Free
Adrian Chen · 12/14/11 11:20AMIowan Simpletons Successfully Trolled
Hamilton Nolan · 12/14/11 10:45AMThose of you who are from or who currently live in one of America's more backwards states (Southern states, Southwestern states, all middle American states, or any part of any state on either coast outside of a major metropolitan area) know that there are few pleasures easier or more satisfying than making fun of America's more backward states. I mean, you don't have to be some great wit. A half-dumb child could easily offend a resident of, say, Georgia. And could probably do so more easily than a more eloquent critic, given the state's average reading comprehension.
Elizabeth Taylor's Jewels Sell for $116 Million
Brian Moylan · 12/14/11 10:35AMMonster Cockroach Can Jump
Maureen O'Connor · 12/14/11 10:20AMWhich Actor Can't Afford His Electric Bill?
Brian Moylan · 12/14/11 10:03AMMarried Suckers People Are Nearly a Minority
Hamilton Nolan · 12/14/11 09:33AMAre you married? Sucker. I mean, congratulations. Sucker. In olden times men and women would agree to be joined in matrimony forever—the men receiving a regular source of sexual congress and a valuable allegiance to powerful land-owning families in nearby regions, and the women receiving a new pot and pan. Today: married people are nearly a minority. So close!!!!
Here's Chuck Todd Flipping the Bird on Live TV
Max Read · 12/14/11 09:13AMIs Morning Joe the most offensive morning news and talk show on cable television? Seriously, it's like you can't turn it on without catching something vulgar and indecent. Just watch this video: Harold Ford is presented as an intelligent, thoughtful person with valuable and considered opinions. Children watch this show! What if my kid comes home and starts imitating these people? Maybe you want a nation of tiny Mark Halperins running around—I, for one, do not.