
Psychic Octopus Retires

Maureen O'Connor · 07/12/10 04:13PM

After successfully predicting all seven of Germany's World Cup games as well as the final, Paul the octopus is retiring from the oracle business: "Paul will get back to his former job, namely, making children laugh." [AP, image via AP]

The Final Round of Apple Tablet Rumors

Ravi Somaiya · 01/26/10 06:46AM

As of tomorrow there will be no more Apple tablet rumors to swirl around and debate endlessly — the damned thing will finally be announced. In memory of the esteemed journalistic practice, here are today's final speculations.

I feel {sic}

rabruzzo · 10/27/06 08:47PM

Thanks for joining me this week as I guest edited Valleywag. Mssr. Douglas will be returning to Valleywag on Monday for more typo-free, grammatically-correct, carefully-proofread rumors and scoops. I had a lot of fun writing it, and had even more fun going back changing its to it's.