I feel {sic}

Thanks for joining me this week as I guest edited Valleywag. Mssr. Douglas will be returning to Valleywag on Monday for more typo-free, grammatically-correct, carefully-proofread rumors and scoops. I had a lot of fun writing it, and had even more fun going back changing its to it's.
after the jump, shameless self-promotion.
I'm also DJ Pica at Pirate Cat Radio (87.9FM) hosting the a show called the White Space every Friday night, 10pm to Midnight. Tonight on the White Space, I will be interviewing SF School Board candidates Jane Kim and Kim-Shree Maufas at 10pm. At 11, members of the Band Kehoe Nation and Lord Loves a Working Man will be sitting in with me, both performing at Bottom of the Hill, Nov 2nd.
I will be helping out at the Vloggies on November 4, this will be geeks filming geeks talking about filming other geeks. Their site sucks eggs. I don't know what I'm doing there, Irina Slutsky asked and I said yes.
Saturday, November 4, 2006
Swedish American Music Hall
2174 Market Street
I will be performing at the Laughing Squid/Squid List anniversary party opening the show with my $25,000 Pyramid Scheme game show on November 18th. This show will sell out so get tickets NOW.
Saturday, November 18th, 2006
$8 (in advance), $10 at the door
21+ event
Mighty - 119 Utah Street (between Alameda & 15th Streets)
Otherwise look for me back at my home on supr.c.ilio.us, where editors fear to tread.
[Pirate Cat Radio]
[Jane Kim]
[Kim-Shree Maufas]
[Kehoe Nation]
[Lord Loves a Working Man]
[Laughing Squid Anniversary Party]