
Jon Stewart Goes on CNN, Compares CNN to a Murderous Living Doll

Jay Hathaway · 11/17/14 04:25PM

CNN host and frequent Daily Show guest Fareed Zakaria had Jon Stewart on GPS to talk about his new film, Rosewater, but couldn't resist cornering Stewart into admitting he watches CNN. A pyrrhic victory, considering what Stewart had to say about the network.

Here's a List of People to Fire Over Fareed Zakaria's Plagiarism

JOE MACLEOD · 11/17/14 02:58PM

Lloyd Grove, on the Daily Beast, in a sort of irony/empathy juggling act, wrote about Washington Post columnist, contributing editor for The Atlantic, New York Times bestselling author, and "CNN Presenter" Fareed Zakaria, host of Fareed Zakaria GPS on Sundays on CNN (check your local listings) and the trouble he's in for his plagiarizing of all kinds of material, from martini recipes to unimportant stuff, and how "pathetically uncredentialed, no-account bloggers who go by the ridiculous Twitter handles @Blippoblappo and @Crushingbort" are bringing possible ruination down upon the "[i]mperially slim and darkly handsome, possessed of an insinuating charm and a cultured manner of speech that recalls the British Raj" Zakaria, also known to Mr. Grove as "America's most celebrated public intellectual."

Ouch: Fareed Zakaria to Time

Hamilton Nolan · 08/18/10 04:26PM

Not only is vaguely intelligent-sounding columnist Fareed Zakaria leaving Newsweek; he's going to write a column for its competitor, Time. Mee-owch. That's Jon Meacham, Mike Isikoff, Evan Thomas, and Zakaria gone. Well, Howard Fineman can carry the place himself. [NYT]

Happy Birthday

cityfile · 01/20/10 06:45AM

Director David Lynch turns 64 today. Rainn Wilson of The Office is turning 44. Comedian Bill Maher turns 54. Editor and TV pundit Fareed Zakaria is 46. Georgina Bloomberg, the younger of Mayor Bloomberg's two daughters, is turning 27. Embattled real estate developer Kent Swig is 49. Former astronaut Buzz Aldrin turns 80. Melissa Rivers, the daughter of Joan Rivers, is 42. Actor Skeet Ulrich is 40. James Denton of Desperate Housewives is turning 47. And Lorenzo Lamas celebrates his 52nd birthday today.

Happy Birthday

cityfile · 01/20/09 07:18AM

Barack isn't the only one with a reason to celebrate today. Georgina Bloomberg, the daughter of New York's mayor, turns 26. Real estate developer Kent Swig is 48. Newsweek editor and CNN fixture Fareed Zakaria is turning 45. Famed cardiologist Valentin Fuster is 66. The Office's Rainn Wilson is turning 43. Bill Maher is 53. Director David Lynch is 63. James Denton is turning 46. Lorenzo Lamas is 51. Buzz Aldrin is turning 79. And Melissa Rivers, the daughter of Joan Rivers, is 41 today.

Celebs Celebrate Obama's Win

cityfile · 11/05/08 06:39AM

♦ You weren't the only one who stayed up to watch election results. Brad Pitt and Oprah watched the festivities from Grant Park in Chicago. Harvey Weinstein had a party at Public House attended by James Franco, Josh Lucas and Jessica Alba. Robin Williams and Billy Crystal watched Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert live. And in LA, Courteney Cox and David Arquette hosted an Obama victory party attended by Jennifer Aniston, John Mayer and Sacha Baron Cohen, among others. [R&M, E!]
Star is standing by its Jennifer Aniston pregnancy story. The mag claims she's undergoing fertility treatments so she can get pregnant by her 40th birthday in February. [Star]
♦ Are Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes planning to have another baby? [OK!]

Newsweek Fucking Kidding Us, Right?

Moe · 08/22/08 04:47PM

Two weeks on the newsstand with this one? WTF… But how does it READ?MOE: also have you seen the new newsweek "what bush got right"?????? PAREENE: uggh yeah MOE: i feel like we should do something but PAREENE: i mean just saw the cover would like to see "What Fareed Zakaria got wrong" feature instead but what can you do MOE: yeah i'm going to smoke will check it out i feel like it is the newsstand equivalent of a "neg" PAREENE: haa 10 minutes MOE: ok just skimmed 6 minutes MOE: it is like, "Ha ha ha, just kidding, actually everything he has done has been a colossal fucking nightmare but thanks to that spyplane thing and our dependence on Chinese sweatshop workers he had to sell out Taiwan and thanks to our dependence on Pakistan's torture spies he couldn't very well object to India having nukes and thanks to the global disaster wrought by his first six and a half years in office some of the most superevil people in his administration finally quit their jobs. Also he admitted AIDS was bad. PAREENE: haaa right i mean based on zakaria's own writings i feel like we could've written this piece on our own. like: they fucked up but then half-heartedly corrected themselves sometimes later on MOE: exactly! oh also he says it's nice that Bush isn't pretending like he wants to go to war with Iran anymore even though as that pretty homewrecker CBS lady pointed out in the recent Men's Vogue we are already fighting a de facto war with Iran in Iraq so… MOE: When you think about it, nearly all of the most mendacious ideologues to ever harbor sinister ambitions to rule civilization have gotten their chance to fuck everything up, and because they did, most of them will never work again! For the next few years anyway Oh oh yes AND PAREENE: hahaha MOE: he has drastically lowered his expectations for what can be achieved in the iraq. see he's a pragmatist! PAREENE: hahahaha pragmatism is so handy once you have made a huge fucking error MOE: (Too bad we can't say the same for John McCAin!) haha did you just see our tip re megan asha?? PAREENE: hahahaha yes What Bush Got Right

Fareed Zakaria

cityfile · 02/03/08 09:36PM

The former editor of Newsweek International, Zakaria is a columnist, pundit-at-large, and an "intellectual heartthrob."

Dominican Republic: New Home of Hell's 10th Circle

DAULERIO · 12/21/05 03:43PM

Our airsick bag-collecting brother at Gridskipper points us to a NY Observer story on the big acquisition of a 2000-acre plot of land in the Dominican Republic, financed by what could be the least masculine troupe of investors in history. The thin-wristed crew includes Newsweek International editor Fareed Zakaria, DJ-ing white vegan stain Moby, mimbo socialite Alex Von Furstenberg and bird-chested money manager Boykin Curry.

Media Bubble: On the Whole, We'd Rather Be in New York

Jesse · 08/17/05 12:25PM

• Philadelphians don't believe the Times's sixth-borough crap any more than we do. [Inquirer]
• Because no else seems to have any idea, CBS asks its interns how to save the Evening News. [NYO]
• Officialy, all Timesmen love Judy Miller. Confidentially, not so much. Something for OTR sources to consider: The way you talk about Judy, how far do you think moonlighting E&P newshound Joe Strupp will go to protect your identities? [Salon]
• The Voice calls Newsweek's Fareed Zakaria the pundit world's Backstreet Boy, whatever that means. , egregiously ignoring George Stephanopoulos. [VV]
• A j-school prof wonders, should I tell my students the truth, that the business kind of sucks? Nah, of course not. Where would we be without irrationally earnest j-students? [E&P]