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Woo-hoo! Foreign Policy magazine turns 35 next month, and we just got a press release about the wild and crazy celebration the mag has planned.

Foreign Policy's special anniversary issue looks ahead to the next 35 years with predictions by the world's leading thinkers on what ideas — now taken for granted — are doomed to extinction. Other features include a look at China's plans to conquer the world of sports; a report on how U.S. companies are already adhering to the Kyoto Protocol; and a ranking of which nations help or hinder the world's poor in the Third annual Commitment to Development Index.

Ideas doomed for extinction? China's plan to conquer the sports world? The freaking Kyoto Protocol?

Dude, we're gonna be so hungover after that.

[UPDATE: Um, of course we knew Zakaria used to be editor of Foreign Affairs, not Foreign Policy. They're so different, we couldn't possibly have confused them. We were just testing you all. Yeah. That's the ticket.]

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