
Why James Holmes Has Fans On the Internet

Adrian Chen · 07/31/12 03:50PM

There are fans of everything on the internet. Even James Holmes, the 24-year-old accused of killing 12 and injuring 58 in the Aurora, Colorado theater shooting. What would drive a bunch of seemingly normal internet geeks to worship a mass murderer? To understand this, you'll have to journey to the dark heart of internet fandom.

Impulse Obama Tats, Volume One

Hamilton Nolan · 01/22/09 03:12PM

Renee D. Jennings emails to let us know she is the "Ultimate Obama Supporter"—though she couldn't attend the inauguration, she got this tattoo last night. Free! What a... happy, happy thing.

Rachael Ray Does Her Impression Of A John Cusack-Convention Nerd

seth · 12/12/07 08:45PM

For American women of a certain age—let's say, somewhere around the Ricki Lake/Rachael Ray generation—the utterance of the very name John Cusack is enough to instantly reawaken first stirrings of celebrity puppy-love ecstasy. Give those women their own talk shows and a captive audience with the boombox-hoisting object of their romantic adolescent fantasies, however, and things can quickly get pretty awkward.