Last night the Brooklyn Cyclones, a minor league affiliate of the New York Mets, transformed into the "Baracklyn Cyclones" to honor Barack Obama in "a night of patriotic partying at the ballpark." Some Cyclone fans were not pleased.

To celebrate the occasion, the team wore special red, white and blue jerseys, invited Amber Lee Ettinger, the Obama Girl, to the throw out the first pitch, distributed Obama bobbleheads to fans, offered "universal health care" to fans in the form of free Band-Aids, gave free admission to anyone named "Barack," admitted any plumbers named Joe in for free—I think you get the picture here—The whole thing was a bit over the top, but most of the fans seemed to enjoy it.

But of course, as with all things, some did not enjoy the evening, and a tipster whose husband has knowledge of the team said in an email that there's been a bit of a backlash from some of their Obama-hating fans.

my husband tells me that, in response to the "gift" at tonight's brooklyn cyclones game, which was some sort of obama bobblehead doll with the moniker "baracklyn cyclones," over 200 angry, anti-obama season ticket holders canceled their subscriptions.

Now, to be fair, it's doubtful that season subscribers at, say, the Metropolitan Opera, would take too kindly to Bush bobbleheads being handed out at a performance of Carmen, so cut 'em some slack.

No word yet on whether or not Jets Kicker Jay Feely was one of the season ticket holders who canceled their seats.

Baracklyn Cyclones []