
Ezra Klein Cannot Explain Donald Trump

Brendan O'Connor · 01/06/16 12:20AM

On Tuesday, Ezra Klein, the editor-in-chief of Vox.com, a website that largely traffics in “explainers”—its Twitter profile commands readers, “Understand the news”—offered his explanation for how Donald Trump is going to lose the Republican nomination for president: “Trump could just ... not win.” Understand?

Ezra Klein Hired Contrarian Gay Without Having Read His Work

Rich Juzwiak · 03/13/14 04:30PM

Brandon Ambrosino is a young gay internet person who stirs up controversy everywhere he points his spoon. He tends to take a contrarian position on things that many LGBT individuals and their allies hold self-evident. You aren't a homophobe if you are against gay marriage (we need a new word, he says). People who called out Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson for saying the same vile things about gays that people have been saying since gay become a thing are the real bigots. Sit down, Ellen Page, you aren't so brave for coming out. Being gay is a choice. Jerry Falwell, founder of Ambrosino's Liberty U alma mater, was actually a good guy.

J.K. Trotter · 02/05/14 01:45PM

Three more Washington Post staffers—Brad Plumer, Sarah Kliff, and Max Fisher—are leaving the paper for Ezra Klein’s forthcoming news website at Vox Media. The trio join former Post staffers Dylan Matthews and Melissa Bell, who followed Klein to Vox in January.

J.K. Trotter · 01/21/14 09:50AM

Following rumors of an imminent departure, Wonkblog creator Ezra Klein is finally leaving the Washington Post to strike out of his own. Two fellow Post staffers, Dylan Matthews and Melissa Bell, are leaving with him.

Cord Jefferson · 01/02/14 09:00PM

Ezra Klein may be preparing to leave the Washington Post after the Post's publisher, Katherine Weymouth, and owner, Jeff Bezos, failed to support Klein's idea for a new WaPo site dedicated to topics outside of political policy. A source told the New York Times Klein was asking for an eight-figure investment.

Hamilton Nolan · 03/20/13 09:45AM

"I supported the Iraq War, and I'm sorry." Ezra Klein's apology is one of the less weaselly ones you'll find.

NBC Says No Tweeting About the Weather

Ryan Tate · 02/17/10 08:09PM

Jim Cantore was muzzled by his corporate overlords; Martha Stewart was kept quiet by Neil Cavuto; and Ezra Klein was hushed in Yiddish. The Twitterati were hushed in only the most interesting ways.