
Yahoo and Facebook execs chat it up

Nick Douglas · 05/22/06 05:41PM

Futurist Esther Dyson catches Yahoo senior veep Toby Coppel chatting with Facebook veep and general counsel Chris Kelly. "What are they cooking up now," she asks. Oh Esther, you mischevious darling, why must you tease us so?

Esther Dyson addicted to Zero G

Nick Douglas · 05/11/06 03:10PM

Having run out of trendy locales to visit on Earth's surface, philosopher-futurist Esther Dyson takes a zero-grav trip in G-Force One:

Remainders: The FCC doesn't suck

ndouglas · 03/17/06 06:50PM

Someone runs up a false Digg item about a Google acquisition of Sun Microsystems. Turns out that not everything linked from Digg is true. Huh. Who knew? In any case, the lesson here: Digg may be big, but it's not exactly at stock-manipulating level. [Silicon Valley Sleuth]
So tech site CNET bought dating site Consumating in December, and it picked up food site Chowhound just this month. Anyone have an idea what the plan is here? [Chowhound interview]
Ouch. Tech blogger Om Malik's great Andrew Mclaughlin (pictured) quote ("The FCC sucks") comes undone when the Google senior policy counsel writes to Om:

Remainders: Esthr keeps disemvowelling

ndouglas · 02/22/06 08:29PM

"Esthr" Dyson's war on vowels expands past the pre-"r" "e". This time the victims are "accidnts" and "a warm welcm." Flickr is in pain, Esther. Make the hurting stop. [Flickr 1, Flickr 2]
"No two-tiered Internet," said Google. Unless, of course, it's Google's two-tiered Internet. Google and Earthlink partner up to offer free wi-fi with a faster pay version. [Newsvine]
Google loses an Image Search case to a porn company — for competing with the company's mobile business. Yes, some overworked schlubs are buying thumbnailed porn on mobile phones. A service that only the Valley could appreciate. [Financial Times]
Rambus gets sued again: The Los Altos chip patenter's business plan is thus: 1. Go to standards meetings. 2. Quietly patent everyone's standards. 3. Sue everyone who uses them. Then, Rambus investors form flame wars around any discussion of their dirty dealings. Finally, their lawyers have something else to do: Micron's suing them for all of the above. [Techdirt]
Now that Measuremap got bought, it's time for TechCrunch to promote another startup: Blogbeat. "Now with more cowbell," says the Web 2.0 company about its latest revision. Cute. That should attract the Yahoo acquisition team just fine. [TechCrunch]