
'Sea Snot Blizzard' Hits Oil Spill Region

Maureen O'Connor · 09/23/10 06:11PM

The Gulf of Mexico's latest plague is a "sea-snot blizzard," a "huge, slimy event" covering the ocean floor in suffocating layers of goo that could cause a "deadly void." Apparently phytoplankton create huge amounts of snot when stressed. [NatGeo, image]

A Sunset Ride Through the Apocaplypse

Jeff Neumann · 09/02/10 06:27AM

[A young man rides his bike through a flaming garbage dump in Changchun, China, where environmental pollution goes virtually unchecked. Image via Getty]

Just What the Amazon Needs: A Golf Course

Jeff Neumann · 08/16/10 07:22AM

The Amazon River and rainforest have for years been under threat. But nestled on 24 acres of prime Peruvian jungle lies the Amazon Golf Course, an oasis of sport and leisure. The water traps even have pirhanas in them!

FDA: Don't Worry About Chemical Dispersants and Gulf Seafood

Jeff Neumann · 08/07/10 01:10PM

Now that BP's oil well is plugged, government scientists can start looking at what 1.8 million gallons of the chemical dispersant Corexit did to the environment, and seafood in the Gulf of Mexico. The FDA says don't sweat it!

The Other Oil Spill: Michigan Gets a Taste

Jeff Neumann · 07/29/10 05:03AM

The estimates on the oil spill in southern Michigan's Kalamazoo River are getting worse, with the EPA last night saying there could be one million gallons of oil in the water. And this is not the oil company's first spill.

Tar Balls Wash Ashore In Northeast Florida

Jeff Neumann · 07/10/10 08:49AM

Analysts predicted that it would only be a matter of time before oil from the Gulf spill would make its way up the east coast. On Thursday locals at Crescent Beach, in northeast Florida, found tar balls on the shore.

Coming Soon, Maybe: Genetically Engineered Frankenfish

Jeff Neumann · 06/26/10 11:51AM

The FDA is "seriously considering" approval for a new genetically engineered salmon that grows at twice the normal rate. Yes, AquAdvantage® Fish will revolutionize the way American's eat sketchy, lab grown food. Also being developed: Pigs that shit less-toxic shit.

Coming Soon

Jeff Neumann · 06/18/10 05:05AM

An oceanographer from the National Center for Atmospheric Research says oil from the ongoing Gulf of Mexico spill will reach the Atlantic by October at the latest. [Wired; image via Getty]