Yes, Jonathan Brandis Is Absolutely Dead
Gawker · 11/20/03 12:18PMParis Hilton: Purse Snatching and Red Bull
Gawker · 11/20/03 12:06PMWhen Apologies Aren't Enough
Gawker · 11/19/03 12:14PMThat bastard Mark Simpson, who coined the horrid term "metrosexual," has finally apologized. "If I'd known that metrosexuals would take over the world and make everyone wear fake tan and use glutinous hair care products I would have written about baseball instead," says a release on PRNewswire. Oh sure: then he'd have invented ballsexuals.
Bill Clinton: Boring Do-Gooder
Gawker · 11/19/03 11:44AMOh, how boring. Bill Clinton isn't, as was widely reported the newest global supermodel. D.C.'s Swamp City writes: "It looks like Bill Clinton spokesperson rumors were false. He won't be hawking suits for a Chinese menswear outlet. Also, he did not star in ads for a Chinese alcoholic rice drink. President Clinton was in China to talk about his work against 'AIDS.'
Mothra vs. Godzilla, Round Two
Gawker · 11/17/03 06:12PM
David Gest is screaming "Ow, my face, my valuable face" right now as Liza Minelli smacks him with a metaphorical (not actual, this time) lamp. Liza's countersuit has been filed, and it's a doozy. According to Liza, Gest is a thief, a psycho, and a total hater, and she wants two million — minimum.
Liza Hits Back [TSG]
NPR Gets You Laid
Gawker · 11/14/03 11:36AMI have severe radio avoidance — if I wanted to hear people talking at me, I'd get an office job. Little did I know that NPR was the key to being taken seriously in the dating world. "Ask Brendan" offers insight into how NPR can get you laid.
Paris Goes To Court
Gawker · 11/13/03 07:23PMTo: Prince Charles Re: Consider Being All Gay
Gawker · 11/13/03 04:15PMAntigesit writes an open letter to Prince Charles:
Tina Does Martha
Gawker · 11/13/03 11:44AMIf it's Thursday, it must be Tina Brown at the Washington Post! This week Tina analyzes the Martha Stewart interview with Barbara Walters.
Paris Hilton: She Contains Multitudes
Gawker · 11/13/03 10:19AMOh God. There's more.
Rosie O'Donnell: Defendant and Paintress
Gawker · 11/12/03 04:53PMCatherine Zeta-Jones: I Love Carbs!
Gawker · 11/10/03 05:59PMCatherine is about to zeta-jones the media over stories that she is an Atkins diet devotee. Her lawyers intend to "pursue claims on her behalf against each and every publication who is reponsible." So yes: we're all advised that Ms. Zeta-Jones has NEVER been on the Atkins diet.
Paris Hilton Sex Tape: Cough It Up
Gawker · 11/06/03 05:07PMA gentle reminder: I demand the Paris Hilton sex tape. I know one of you has it. So deliver it unto me already.
The Britney/Paris Archetype
Gawker · 11/05/03 05:36PMBlogger Sarah Weinman writes: "I tried, oh how I tried, not to comment on today's item about the woman who puts the 'ho' in hotel." (Or, as the Observer's Noelle Hancock once put it, "putting a downpayment on a one-bedroom in Skankville.")
Paris Hilton: Feminist Icon To Be
Gawker · 11/05/03 11:45AM
The rumor we've heard for years is confirmed — if you'd care to use the word "confirmed" for "an item on the Post's Page Six." Yes, there is a Paris Hilton sex tape. Yes, I'd like to see it — if you'd care to use the word "like" to mean "screaming while hiding my eyes with one hand." Kind of like at Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
Lloyd Grove Lowblow
Gawker · 11/04/03 02:04PMYa know, I've been leaving the no-longer-new Daily News gossip maven Lloyd Grove to his own devices. Let me explain. Remember that one Simpson's Halloween episode where all these giant advertising icons came to life and stampeded on the town and killed everyone? And then Lisa figured out that to make them go away, everyone just had to ignore them. Because, you see, they craved the attention. Anyway: that was my theory of life with Lloyd Grove.
Crapster Party
Gawker · 10/30/03 11:49AMSummer Lovin' Fallout
Gawker · 10/23/03 10:26AMNew York Social Diary's blind item of the week:
Liza and David in The Burning Bed II
Gawker · 10/22/03 09:16AMThe New York State Supreme Court complaint filed by David Gest against his ex-wife Liza Minnelli is up at The Smoking Gun. It's incredible. Gest is looking for $10 million in exchange for the nasty series of beatings and degradations he allegedly received at the hands (and lamps) of the Godzilla of failed cabaret singers.