Year-End Wrapup, Part 17
Gawker · 12/19/03 10:00AMIf I read one more year-end wrap-up or trend prognostications for 2004 I'm going to throw myself off 10 Rockefeller Center. Todd Leopold at CNN says that 2003 is "The year celebrities went bad." Yeah, this whole celebrity drug use, arrest, and sex crime thing is so hot and new. Never had that before.
"Who's Lloyd Grove?"
Gawker · 12/18/03 12:00PMThe Black Table interviews entertaining crackpot Philadelphia Daily News gossip columnist Stu Bykofsky:
TSG: All Decked Out
Gawker · 12/17/03 12:57PM
The giant whores over at The Smoking Gun have put the pedal to the metal to woo the media this Christmas (like they have to — they've gotten more ink and made more money off pain and suffering this year than Fox's Roger Ailes and the freak who's pimping that damn red Kabbalah string to sad celebrities combined). The always-entertaining TSG's Xmas bribe? A limited edition, not-for-sale deck of playing cards featuring 54 mugshots, including never-before-seen shots of Tupac, Johnny Cash, 50-Cent, and Lil' Kim. (Yes indeed, 54: The jokers are mugshots of Vanilla Ice and John Wayne Bobbitt, naturally.)
Smoking Gun website fires off more rounds [Boston Globe]
Durango Does Xmas
Gawker · 12/17/03 09:03AMThe Times's Dan Barry goes in search of the spirit of Christmas, and finds three Floridians living in a car in Times Square. Aww, adorable!
Walk This
Gawker · 12/15/03 11:20AMAre You There God? It's Me, Paris
Gawker · 12/13/03 12:52AMEverything But the Missionary Position
Gawker · 12/12/03 02:59PMTina Brown: The Andy Warhol Apocalypse
Gawker · 12/11/03 11:08AMTina Brown meets up with Paris Hilton backstage at Saturday Night Live (and no, the blonde fabric of space and time does not rend upon their introduction, though you would be forgiven for thinking so):
Best Of the Best Of Lists
Gawker · 12/11/03 10:11AMBoldface Peevishness
Gawker · 12/11/03 10:01AMJoyce Wadler really does want out of her gossip job at the Times. She writes:
Gwyneth: "I Got An 'A' In Reproduction!"
Gawker · 12/03/03 04:51PMHate Is All You Need
Gawker · 12/02/03 09:25AMThe internet is just one big hate site. This morning, the NY Post reports that the search "I hate Britney Spears" gets 2000 results. By 9:20 a.m. EST today, the same search gets 2040 results. That's a statistically monstrous increase in Britney-hating in just the last few hours! By 2004, a number of people equivalent to the entire population of Southeast Asia will hate Britney Spears.
The Connections
Gawker · 11/30/03 03:52PMTina Brown: Pity the Celebrity Class
Gawker · 11/28/03 10:33AMFrom Tina Brown's Thankgsiving column in the Washington Post: "One thing to give thanks for this morning is not being Michael or Kobe or Phil or Paris or Martha or any of the other spectacles of the great American circus." Oh, decidedly. I feel an overwhelming sense of charity to them, don't you?
How To Tell Your Religion's Fake
Gawker · 11/25/03 05:03PMSwamp City asks some serious questions on the occasion of the Patent and Trademark Office's rejection of the "Kabbalah Red String." This mystical string evidently protects celebrities from being caught with hookers, appearing in homemade porn videos, and having their careers become hellish life-sucking nightmares. Or does it?
American Gigolo Wanted
Gawker · 11/25/03 08:13AMPlease let this Craigslisting be for an episode of Hipster Candid Camera:
What's Not To Love?
Gawker · 11/21/03 03:43PMLow Culture is hosting a Jonathan Ames Write-Alike Contest. Ames, NYC's paramount boxer/writer/former model is a tough man to imitate, but it can be done. Our tip on how to win: Crib from Ames' new McSweeney's piece, sprinkle in a bit of Hemingway and Gary Indiana, glaze liberally with Penthouse Forum, and you're in.
1st Annual (Ever?) Jonathan Ames Write-Alike Contest [Low Culture]
The Purchase of Brad Pitt's Seed
Gawker · 11/21/03 09:53AMExcuse Me, Sir, You're In My Sun
Gawker · 11/21/03 08:55AMThe best thing about the Michael Jackson scandal is that all the stupid jokes were already written ten years ago. Many of you are as upset now as you were during MJ Scandal Original Flavor; humor can ease your pain and anxiety, and also help you break the ice when explaining to small children what exactly became of their favorite pop star.
Michael Jackson Jokes [William Bader]