
Lawsuit: Prince Andrew Had Teen Sex-Slave Provided by a Florida Banker

Adam Weinstein · 01/02/15 12:18PM

Prince Andrew, Duke of York, second oldest son of the queen of Great Britain, has been accused of repeatedly sleeping with an underage sex-slave provided by a Florida-based investment banker and convicted sex offender, and representatives of the English crown are scurrying to respond to the allegations.

Shopkeeper Fights Off Machete-Slinging Robber in Battle Royale

Aleksander Chan · 11/12/14 09:17AM

Muhammed "Max" Maqsood fended off a machete-wielding masked bandit from robbing his convenience store in Sunderland, England last week with a metal shutter pole. The 63-year-old shop owner lost part of his middle finger in the battle and the accused attacker is at large.

This Christmas Ad About a Boy and His Penguin Is Making Everyone Cry

Jay Hathaway · 11/06/14 04:45PM

British department store chain John Lewis is known for its annual Christmas ads, which feature some sort of aggressively cute concept and a new cover of a popular song that will immediately top the U.K. charts. This year, though, they've been hard at work developing weaponized make-you-cry technology. Hope you like sobbing!

Adam Weinstein · 06/11/14 04:38PM

Emily Brontë: literary legend. Also, savage dog abuser.

Missing Old Man Turns Up In France, With Medals, for D-Day Anniversary

Adam Weinstein · 06/06/14 11:37AM

An 89-year-old veteran who went missing from his retirement home in Sussex, England yesterday morning has been located: He showed up today on the beachhead of Normandy, medals pinned to his coat, to take in the anniversary celebration of the D-Day invasion.

Winner of Cheese Competition "Doesn't Really Like Cheese"

Aleksander Chan · 05/26/14 11:17AM

There is a tradition in Gloucestershire, England where a bunch of men race down a steep hill chasing wheels of cheese. It's called "cheese-rolling." Oddly, especially given this country's longstanding obsession with slathering their food in cheeses, the cheese-roll has yet to become the stateside sensation it so clearly could be.

Let's All Go to a British "Wank Camp" Now, Shall We?

Adam Weinstein · 01/15/14 02:31PM

This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England, this knob that needs a little extra 'ow's yer father. Let's take a trip to a "personal development" camp in these cherished isles. Let's put a little more jack in the Union Jack. Am I being too coy? Fine, let's go on a weekend retreat to learn how to masturbate better.

Adam Weinstein · 01/07/14 12:06PM

Why are so many ferrets being stolen in the U.K.? You can tell us your theories in the comments, but know this—if you ever get caught jacking a ferret, just say yours is not the one cops are looking for: "I'd suggest one ferret looks very much like another. That's going to be one of the issues at trial."

Please Help Us Sketch Out Kevin Shields' Brit-Pop Conspiracy Theory

John Cook · 10/03/13 03:42PM

Kevin Shields, the extremely wise and plugged-in founder of fuzz-gods My Bloody Valentine, just dropped a bomb on the British public: Brit-pop—the "Cool Brittania"-era explosion of ghastly, derivative rock'n'roll from the likes of Oasis, Blur, Pulp, and any other number of one-word bands—was in fact a conspiracy foisted on the Western world by British intelligence agencies. I mean, it's so obvious once you think about it.