
Could It Happen Here? A Map Of Nuclear Risk

Remy Stern · 04/24/11 11:35AM

Nature News and Columbia University have joined forces to make a Google Earth map showing the world populations at risk from nuclear fallout. The interactive map combines data on population and the locations and sizes of reactors, plotting risk graphically in the form of circles. Small, green circles represent relatively low risk, based on population size near the nuclear plants; mid-sized yellow circles represent greater risk, with large red circles representing the greatest risk.

The Dim Future of Nuclear Power

Remy Stern · 03/26/11 02:24PM

It's highly unlikely that you're going to see any new nuclear power plants built any time in the future, given the now worsening situation at Fukushima. But knee-jerk reactions to the accident are not what's really to blame for the inevitable decline in nuclear production.

If Women Can Have Abortions, Then Why Can't Rand Paul Buy a Decent Toilet?

Jim Newell · 03/10/11 03:25PM

Sen. Rand Paul had a powerful line of questioning today for Kathleen Hogan, the deputy assistant energy secretary for efficiency. In a hearing about renewing appliance efficiency standards — hint: Rand Paul does not want any — he meandered about regulations for light bulbs, washing machines, and most importantly toilets. Why is Rand Paul forced, assuming he is, to buy useless energy-efficient products, when women aren't forced to carry all of their pregnancies to term? This is what Rand Paul argued.

Government's Plea to Eat Less Drowned Out by Chewing Sounds

Hamilton Nolan · 01/31/11 04:27PM

Eating instructions! Stair running! Five Hour Energy! Ballet bodies! Polar bear workout! Polio elimination! Winter blues! Exercise brain! Diabetes everywhere! As well as racist doctors! It's your Monday Health Watch, where we watch your health—again and again, unsuccessfully!

Fancy New Light Bulbs Not as Awesome as We Thought

Hamilton Nolan · 01/19/11 03:34PM

In three more years, you literally will not be able to purchase a good old-fashioned light bulb any more. It'll be 100% twisty, pale CFL bulbs. Which, they now tell us, aren't as amazing as promised.

Does Obama Have a 'Secret Plan' to Price Carbon?

Jim Newell · 06/18/10 12:52PM

Many liberals were upset with Barack Obama for not using Tuesday's Oval Office address to pressure the Senate into passing a cap-and-trade system or carbon tax. But may he have a "secret plan" in the works, as some are suggesting?

Sarah Palin, Washington Post Op-Ed Writer

The Cajun Boy · 07/14/09 03:50AM

In what is possibly the most bizarre coupling since Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie Presley married, Sarah Palin and the Washington Post have come together as one and given birth to a Sarah Palin Washington Post op-ed piece. Yeah.

Trust No One On Oil Prices

Michael Weiss · 06/19/08 04:05PM

Oil was $140 a barrel on Monday, now it's below $133 a barrel either because Vladimir Putin farted or the U.S. released its fuel stock figures — we're not sure. Is Peak Oil real, or is the myth driving investors to get nutty with an otherwise healthy market? A decade ago, when oil was cheap, it was a "controversial theory," reported in the San Francisco Examiner, that predicted the party wouldn't last very much longer. So why was the conventional wisdom of OPEC fantasists, who warned of "$5 oil," so laughably bogus? (The Economist devoted a cover story to it; see left.) Who made false predictions then, and who's really talking sense about the state of the industry now?

Starbucks Shovels More Stimulants Into Caffeine-Addled Masses

Hamilton Nolan · 05/14/08 10:38AM

It's about time that Starbucks offered weary consumers a little energy with their oversized caffeinated beverages. The coffee chain and infectious disease spreader is now providing the option of a "+Energy" addition to any drink. The new energy formula contains B-vitamins, guarana, and ginseng, which is the same mixture that they toss in most canned energy drinks these days, along with eye-popping amounts of caffeine. What I would like to know is this: what one flavor could possibly taste palatable mixed with every single thing that Starbucks sells, from coffee to tea to fruit-flavored goop?

Don't be evil — or use coal: Google's new energy initiative

Jordan Golson · 11/27/07 04:48PM

With a soaring stock price and fat bottom line, Google has plenty of time and money to move into other sectors. Today Google announced a new plan to develop renewable energy like solar. Cofounder Larry Page optimistically claims Google's "goal is to produce one gigawatt of renewable energy capacity that is cheaper than coal. We are optimistic this can be done in years, not decades." An admirable goal, to be sure, but what does this give the shareholders?