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It's about time that Starbucks offered weary consumers a little energy with their oversized caffeinated beverages. The coffee chain and infectious disease spreader is now providing the option of a "+Energy" addition to any drink. The new energy formula contains B-vitamins, guarana, and ginseng, which is the same mixture that they toss in most canned energy drinks these days, along with eye-popping amounts of caffeine. What I would like to know is this: what one flavor could possibly taste palatable mixed with every single thing that Starbucks sells, from coffee to tea to fruit-flavored goop?

For customers' first experience with +Energy on Tuesday, Starbucks is promoting adding it to the Doubleshot on Ice drink, Baker said. The flavors complement each other, she said.

But the energy boost can be added to any hot or cold drink. Starbucks' research and development team, a group of culinary experts, food scientists and product designers, developed the boost.

"It's a well-thought out and complementary flavor," Baker said, when asked how the boost would taste mixed in with coffee.

NO CLUES HERE. Crystal meth?

[Seattle PI]