
Moffett Field becoming a country club airport for Valley ultra-rich

Jackson West · 06/20/08 12:40PM

The Google Party Plane isn't the only aircraft using Nasa's Moffett Field to shuttle tech execs in and out of the Valley. An eagle-eyed plane spotter caught Tesla Motors CEO Elon Musk's Dassault Falcon taking a round trip between Moffett and Orange County's Van Nuys airport this week. "It must be nice," says the tipster, implying a breathy sigh. My question is, as one of the few people with a Tesla Roadster in his garage, why didn't Musk drive that to the Southland instead of burning gallons of jet fuel? Oh, right, that's well outside the roadster's range.

Arnold Schwarzenegger shows up to Tesla dealership opening

Jackson West · 05/05/08 01:40PM

A coterie of B-list celebritards including Jenny McCarthy and Darryl Hannah, as well as California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, showed up to an opening party for the new Tesla Motors dealership on Santa Monica Boulevard in Westwood last week. Why LA and not the Valley? "Because it's Hollywood and glamorous, this is the flagship store," Tesla client services manager Jeremy Snyder told the AP. The next dealership will be built in San Carlos, home of Tesla Motors. The $2 million showroom is based on an Apple retail outlet, according to CEO Elon Musk. While the 400-strong waiting list, including the Governator, means you can't actually drive away in a new Tesla roadster until 2009 at the earliest, you can at least ogle the floor models and maybe convince one of the Tesla employees on hand to let you take one for a test drive. Better you behind the wheel than Musk — his driving record's not so clean. (Photo by AP/Mark J. Terrill)

While Wikipedia burns, Jimmy Wales and women in bikinis save "world on fire"

Owen Thomas · 03/21/08 07:00AM

We were right: Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales really did skip off to Richard Branson's Caribbean getaway in early March, even as a scandal unfolded over his governance of the world's most comprehensive list of gay animals. The powwow on Necker Island, which included Google's Larry Page, Tesla Motors chairman Elon Musk, former British prime minister Tony Blair, and VC Vinod Khosla, discussed global warming. Branson asked: "Is the world on fire?"

Elon Musk's Tesla caught on video smoking Scoble and Calacanis

Nicholas Carlson · 02/19/08 09:04AM

Tesla CEO Elon Musk joined egoblogger Robert Scoble and Mahalo CEO Jason Calacanis for dinner last night. After, the trio took to the streets of Santa Monica for a little street racing. Scoble and Musk in a Tesla. Calacanis in a Corvette convertible. "The Tesla smoked the 'vette," Scoble reports on his blog. Jalopnik editor Ray Wert tells us this mostly speaks to Calacanis's inability to drive. Both Calacanis and Scoble took video, of course, and both streams are embedded below.

Tesla Motors wants another $250 million

Jordan Golson · 02/18/08 02:35PM

Tesla Motors, which finally shipped its first electric car earlier this month, hopes to raise $250 million in equity and debt to fund its mass production push, over the next two years. Chairman Elon Musk wants to conduct an IPO in New York or London, raise money privately and apply for a loan guarantee from the Department of Energy to build a U.S. production plant for Tesla's forthcoming electric sports sedan. Tesla has raised $145 million in venture capital, including a $40 million round that closed last week. Elon, don't spend it all in one place.

Tesla ships first electric car — 1 down, 99 to go

Paul Boutin · 02/04/08 12:05PM

Tesla Motors delivered its first production all-electric car on Friday afternoon to company chairman Elon Musk (not pictured, but you know he's pumping his fists like that this very second.) In true Tesla form, the car arrived too late for a planned press event, screwing up the company's New York Times coverage. Helpful hint, guys: Next time schedule these things for Tuesday morning instead of Friday afternoons. You'll get much more media play that way, without relying on wannabe Car & Driver writers like me to carry the flag.

Why Elon Musk isn't in Fortune's PayPal Mafia picture

Megan McCarthy · 11/16/07 07:11PM

Accompanying the Fortune article about the PayPal mafia is a fantastic shot of the article subjects dressed as gangsters. But, if you look closely, there are three people missing from the main group shot of the players. YouTube founders Chad Hurley and Steve Chen were, as we surmised, nixed from allowing to participate in the shot once the corporate handlers at Google got wind of the theme. The other missing link? X.com founder Elon Musk, who has a controversial history with PayPal-gang godfather Peter Thiel. So why wasn't Musk included in the large group shot? Did Thiel pull some strings to keep him separated from the core gang?

Elon Musk back on Sequoia

Chris Mohney · 02/09/07 09:00AM

After disappearing from the Sequoia homepage of fame, one-time Paypal CEO Elon Musk — see his take on his own backstory here — is back, with a new smiley portrait. Peter Thiel and Max Levchin, the mo' "real" founders of Paypal, are also still on the page of course. They're both wearing crowns as befits their royal status. A polite distance separates Thiel and Levchin from Musk in the gallery. One imagines a similar dynamic emerging at a cocktail party where all three are present.