Why Elon Musk isn't in Fortune's PayPal Mafia picture

Accompanying the Fortune article about the PayPal mafia is a fantastic shot of the article subjects dressed as gangsters. But, if you look closely, there are three people missing from the main group shot of the players. YouTube founders Chad Hurley and Steve Chen were, as we surmised, nixed from allowing to participate in the shot once the corporate handlers at Google got wind of the theme. The other missing link? X.com founder Elon Musk, who has a controversial history with PayPal-gang godfather Peter Thiel. So why wasn't Musk included in the large group shot? Did Thiel pull some strings to keep him separated from the core gang?

Nope. There was no acrimony, just a scheduling conflict, Musk told me at the unveiling of TheFunded.com founder Adeo Ressi. (Who, by the way, happened to be Musk's housemate in college.) Musk was scheduled to receive a magazine's innovator of the year award in Chicago and had a hard stop at 12:30 p.m. on the day of the Fortune shoot. The person who coordinated everyone's schedule's flubbed that tidbit, and scheduled the group for the afternoon. Musk had to make do with an individual shot before rushing to catch his plane. Oops.