
The Spitzers Plan for the Future

cityfile · 11/24/08 07:43AM

Silda Wall Spitzer has a new job! According to New York, last month the wife of the former governor joined Metropolitan Capital Advisors, where she will be helping the hedge fund recruit new investors. (If that sounds like an impossible task in this market, consider that she's managed to put up with Eliot for 21 years now.) She's not the only one in the family looking ahead. Supposedly, the former governor is considering writing a book, although it won't address his taste for high-priced call girls or why he wears black socks in bed, unfortunately. The book will address the "root causes of the mistakes that have brought us to the economic precipice," and "take a wistful look at his fourteen-month governorship and its unfulfilled goals."

Eliot Spitzer To Lecture Everyone Again

Ryan Tate · 11/24/08 05:36AM

New York magazine broke news of a new gig for Silda Wall Spitzer, wife of the disgraced, whoring former governor: The former corporate attorney will try and "recruit new investors" (good luck with that) for a hedge fund run by some of her husband's old friends. It's a living, and is already helping her look less victim-y and dependent. Less wisely, Silda's husband is thinking about writing a book. Not one that grapples with the hooker thing and maybe clears the air, allowing him to walk past construction sites without getting snickered at, mind you, but one returning him to the holier-than-thou position that once made him so reviled:

Diane Sawyer Tries Not to Scoff at Everything Ashley Dupre Says

Hamilton Nolan · 11/21/08 11:21AM

So the, uh, long-awaited interview with Eliot Spitzer's call girl has finally arrived! If this had come out six months ago, you all would have been hanging on her every word; now it's more of a novelty, like meeting Tonya Harding. But there are highlights, and we've collected them in this handy clip! Click to see some ill-advised hooker empathy, the real difference between an "escort" and a "prostitute," and lots of Diane Sawyer's famous "Bitch, what?" face.

Ashley Dupre, Delicate Flower

cityfile · 11/21/08 08:52AM

Clips of Diane Sawyer's interview with Ashley Dupre were aired earlier on Good Morning America. You'll have to wait until tonight to see the entire thing (assuming you still care about any of this), but click through if you'd like to see her explain how she had no idea that she was sleeping with the governor. ("He looked familiar. But I was 22 years old. I wasn't reading the papers, I was so involved in my life and I was so selfish and caught up in my life and I didn't know who he was.") And you can totally feel the geniune, heartfelt emotion when she talks about watching Silda Spitzer stand by her husband's side during his resignation speech: "I felt connected to her. I didn't feel connected to him. Her pain. And I just saw the pain in her eyes." The clip is after the jump.

Tomorrow Will Be a Busy Day for the Spitzers

cityfile · 11/20/08 02:10PM

Ashley Dupre won't be the only person in Eliot Spitzer's life making headlines tomorrow. Hours before her primetime debut, Eliot's 84-year-old father Bernard Spitzer will be making an appearance of his own when he turns up in court to testify in his own defense in connection with charges he fired four men from one of his apartment buildings because they're African-American. (Interestingly, Spitzer family nemesis Roger Stone is advising the four men for free.) We're going to go ahead and assume Silda won't be watching the action unfold at either event.

Ashley Dupre, Your MySpace Friends Will Lead You To Ruin

Hamilton Nolan · 11/20/08 11:27AM

After we went to all the trouble of offering Spitzer hooker Ashley Dupre seven—seven!—different career choices yesterday, what does she do? She goes and tells Diane Sawyer, "I want to go after my music and do what I love. And not lose track of who I am on the way. I'm trying to pursue my music. I'm still living for it. I'm not gonna give up my dream. I'm not going to change. I'm not going to let this change who I am. And what I love." All of those short declarative sentences do not change the fact that your song "All We Want" is just the sort of generic R&B bullshit blathering that has already largely destroyed our nation's airwaves. We say this as a friend! Regrettably, Ashley is listening to her other friends: her MySpace friends. Like Whitney Houston, and "Fin" from Williamsburg:

Seven Careers For Ashley Dupre

Hamilton Nolan · 11/19/08 12:03PM

Let's do the math here: Ashley Alexandra Dupre, America's most famous hooker, hits the news in March when her fortuitous association with Eliot Spitzer becomes public. Except for some vague second-hand insinuations that she wants a record contract, she doesn't make any real career moves until now, when she decides to do her first interviews with the press. We're pretty sure that she's been getting advice—but are her advisers looking out for her interests as much as we, the gossip bloggers, are? Doubtful. We've put together a complete guide to career options for Ashley—or any woman who finds herself famous after a sex scandal—after the jump. Simply select one and go, Ashley:

Spitzer Hooker Apologizes To Wife

Ryan Tate · 11/19/08 08:27AM

Ashley Dupre appears to be at the forefront of a media blitz: In addition to sitting down with Diane Sawyer for a 20/20 segment set to air Friday, the call girl who brought down former Gov. Eliot Spitzer granted an interview to People magazine, which in turn has been excerpted in today's Post. Dizzy yet? Here's the money quote: "If she could say anything to Silda Wall Spitzer, it would be, 'I'm sorry for your pain.'" Other highlights:

Ashley Opens Up, Trouble for Gwyneth and Chris

cityfile · 11/19/08 07:01AM

♦ The Ashley Dupre press bonanza begins: In her first print interview with People, which hits newsstands on Friday (the same day she'll appear on 20/20), Dupre says she's just a "normal girl" who has "a lot of depth," and that she feels sorry for Silda Spitzer, but doesn't blame herself for Eliot's downfall. [People, NYP]
♦ Are Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin splitting up? The two have spent very little time together since this summer, and now she's become "very good friends" with Fontainebleau hotel owner Jeff Soffer. Gwynnie reportedly spent time with Soffer (and his Bentley and yacht) this past weekend in Miami. [P6]
♦ Britney Spears is supposedly dating a 27-year-old model named Marco D'Angelo who she met through friends in Las Vegas. [Star]
♦ It looks like Anne Hathaway is attracted to lovable losers, since people who know her new boyfriend, actor Adam Shulman, say he's an "opportunist" who "went after all the heiresses" when he was a student at Brown. [P6]

Britney's Lack of Passion, Anna's Plans for Retirement

cityfile · 11/18/08 07:01AM

♦ Although her life looks like it's finally back on track, a new documentary suggests Britney Spears thinks her new life is like prison and lacks "excitement" or "passion." Hopefully she'll be in a better mood in two weeks when she makes an appearance at the Rockefeller Center tree lighting ceremony. [The Sun, OK!]
♦ Could Anna Wintour be planning to retire? Page Six says the Vogue editor is thinking about leaving the mag once her contract is up, and she's even been recommending possible replacements to Si Newhouse. [P6]
♦ Kiefer Sutherland may be planning to move to NYC so he can be closer to his girlfriend, Allure style director Siobhan Bonnouvrier. [Daily Star]
♦ Madonna is reportedly making $10 million to appear in her new Louis Vuitton ad campaign. [P6]

The Eliot Spitzer Senate Theory

Hamilton Nolan · 11/17/08 01:23PM

Eliot Spitzer, you fool. You could have been a contender! When Spitzer resigned as governor of New York in March, rather than standing and fighting like the stubborn-to-the-point-of-idiocy man that he is, he was ceding his political future to the vagaries of luck. And his luck is not good, obviously, or he would still be sneaking into hotel rooms with Ashley Alexandra Dupre. But what if he had hung on, boldly stood up for his imaginary right to patronize hookers, and stayed in office? He'd be headed to the US Senate in January. Think about it: if Spitzer had decided not to resign (as we advised at the time), he'd now be a scandal-ridden and likely ineffective governor. He would also, however, have the luck to be a high officeholder in New York now that Obama has been elected. Obama is very likely to name Hillary Clinton to a cabinet position. That will mean New York needs its governor to name a new Senator to fill her spot. If Spitzer were still the governor, who better to name than himself? The state Democrats would surely support it, just to be able to clear him the hell out so the party could move on to a slightly more scandal-free future. And nobody in Washington would really mind, because they all fuck whores there, at least metaphorically. So Spitzer could have put himself in Hillary's seat and installed David Paterson as governor, just as he is now. Spitzer's particular skill set—cracking down on corporate profligacy—is looking pretty good right now. Once the Post got off his ass about the scandal, he'd probably be able to do some good. But he resigned, so none of this will happen. It would be kind of nifty if Paterson appointed him to the seat now, as some have suggested. (It would be great for Paterson, who would have neatly gone from being a little-known Lieutenant Governor to having Spitzer owe him a huge favor). But it won't happen, because in America you can screw taxpayers, but not hookers. Live and learn. Spitzer will be back on the scene in two years either way. [pic via LAT]

Kate Hudson Gets Around, Lindsay Pelted with Flour

cityfile · 11/17/08 07:00AM

♦ Is Kate Hudson trying to steal Alex Rodriguez away from Madonna? She was spotted with her "arms completely wrapped around" him at a party in Miami this weekend. But she might just be trying to steal Jason Statham away from his girlfriend, since the two were seen downing dirty martinis together. [NYDN, P6]
♦ A PETA activist pelted Lindsay Lohan with a bag of flour at an event in Paris on Saturday. Sam Ronson responded by dissing the activist on MySpace: "My dog is far more civilized than that person." [People]
Kanye West was arrested in London on Friday after an altercation with a photographer. Now he's suggesting the entire episode was "bogus," and has upset some Brits by comparing himself to Princess Di. [People, The Sun]
♦ Sarah Palin may collect a $7 million advance if she writes a book. [MSNBC]

Not To Be Outdone, Eliot Spitzer Dips Toe In Public Waters

Alex Carnevale · 11/16/08 12:00PM

Every morning when he wakes up and stares out of the window of his ritzy New York apartment, Eliot Spitzer sighs and tells himself, not today. The former governor is still atoning for wearing socks during his affair with prostitute Ashley Dupre, but he has so much to say about what's happening in our country right now. Since we broke the news that Dupre's interview with Diane Sawyer would air this Friday, Spitzer evidently decided to poke his head out of his apartment. In his sermon from hell in this morning's Washington Post, he provides a naughty prescription for restoring America:If he had just waited a year or so, Spitzer could have gotten a lower price on his fun jaunts with paid women. As his one-time paramour Dupre chose ABC for her "consulting" fee and first televised interview since the scandal, Spitzer has followed up a bland interview with Time Out New York with an editorial in today's Post.

Ashley Dupre Tapes Her First TV Interview

cityfile · 11/14/08 03:36PM

Gawker reports—and the Daily News confirms—that Ashley Dupre has taped her first TV interview since she got mixed up in a very minor scandal involving a politician that you may or may not have heard about back in March. Diane Sawyer sat down with the $5,000-an-hour woman yesterday for ABC News; the interview is expected to air next Friday as part of a two-part 20/20 special. It's quite likely Dupre collected substantially more than her standard rate for the Sawyer sit-down. Although ABC News cannot officially pay her for an interview per network policy, rumor has it she was compensated with a "consulting fee" and for "archival footage," which should keep her attired in $632 Fendi belts for many months to come.

ABC Lands First Interview With Spitzer Hooker?

Hamilton Nolan · 11/14/08 02:56PM

Is everybody ready for some sweet prostitute interviewing? A tipster tells us "100% reliably" that Ashley Alexandra Dupre, the famous Eliot Spitzer hooker, sat down for her first-ever prime time interview yesterday. Our source says that Diane Sawyer filmed the interview for ABC at a midtown studio, in secret, and that the network is planning to air it next Friday. The network hasn't announced it yet, so you heard it here first, assuming it happens. The other, less solid part of this rumor involves how Ashley got paid for her time: Our tipster is somewhat less sure of this part, but has also heard:

Sarah Jessica Parker and Kim Cattrall Face Off

cityfile · 11/07/08 06:37AM

Kim Cattrall and Sarah Jessica Parker are apparently incapable of getting along: A day after Kim confirmed that there will be Sex and the City sequel, Parker told fans "not to get their hopes up" and that "Kim is excited, but all the deals are not yet done." [Daily Star, People]
♦ It looks like spending time in court, soup kitchens, and sanitation departments hasn't helped Naomi Campbell much. She infuriated passengers on her flight back from London on Tuesday by cutting in line while going through customs at JFK. She swears it wasn't her fault because it was the airline that offered her an escort. [R&M]
Ian Schrager is getting married next Saturday. The bride-to-be is a ballerina named Tania Wahlstedt. [P6]

Spitzer Gets Off, Prosecutorially Speaking

Pareene · 11/06/08 03:49PM

No federal charges will be filed against former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer. Spitzer slept with a prostitute, a million years ago last March, after a little more than a year on the job. He was in danger of federal charges because he paid for his ladyfriend, Ms. Ashley Dupre, to travel across state lines, a violation of the ridiculous and archaic Mann Act, and also because he might've done some weird illegal stuff with the money he used to pay the prostitution ring. The US Attorney for New York has a funny statement:

Spitzer Cuts a Break

cityfile · 11/06/08 12:40PM

Good news for Eliot Spitzer! The U.S. Attorney's office announced this afternoon that the former governor will not face charges in connection with that little scandal that ended his political career back in March: "We have concluded that the public interest would not be further advanced by filing charges in this matter." [NYDN]

Interested in Attending the Inauguration?

cityfile · 11/05/08 12:42PM

The Mayflower in Washington has quite the offer for anyone interested in going to D.C. for Barack Obama's inauguration. The "Ultimate Presidential" package includes a three-night stay, limo service, "his and hers inaugural jewelry," Dom Perignon champagne, in-room massages for two, 24-hour butler service, and his and hers "inaugural garb" from Burberry ("to keep special guests warm during the inaugural ceremony"). And it's only $51,000. What a steal! As for whether you'll be staying in the same room where Eliot Spitzer shared some special time with Ashley Dupre, you'll have to call and ask. [HotelChatter]

Long Lines at the Polls Make for a Very Messy Morning

cityfile · 11/04/08 07:38AM

There have been reports of very long lines at the polls this morning. More than 400 people were already assembled outside P.S. 9 in Prospect Heights when the polls opened at 6 a.m. Confusion reigned outside the Hell's Kitchen polling station at 520 West 45th Street, where lines reportedly snaked around the block. Elected officials have had to patiently wait their turns. Chuck Schumer passed the time on a Brooklyn sidewalk chatting on his cell phone. Michael Bloomberg was No. 270 in line when he turned up on the Upper East Side this morning and he spent 45 minutes chatting with reporters and aides before getting a chance to make his pick. One person ahead of him? Eliot Spitzer. [NYT, WNBC, NYP, NYO]