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Clips of Diane Sawyer's interview with Ashley Dupre were aired earlier on Good Morning America. You'll have to wait until tonight to see the entire thing (assuming you still care about any of this), but click through if you'd like to see her explain how she had no idea that she was sleeping with the governor. ("He looked familiar. But I was 22 years old. I wasn't reading the papers, I was so involved in my life and I was so selfish and caught up in my life and I didn't know who he was.") And you can totally feel the geniune, heartfelt emotion when she talks about watching Silda Spitzer stand by her husband's side during his resignation speech: "I felt connected to her. I didn't feel connected to him. Her pain. And I just saw the pain in her eyes." The clip is after the jump.

Ashley Dupré Exclusive: 'My Side of the Story' [ABC]