
Is Elena Kagan Team Jacob or Team Edward?

Robyn Caplan · 06/30/10 04:20PM

At Elana Kagan's senate confirmation, Sen. Amy Klobuchar from Minnesota was asking the tough questions to the Supreme Court nominee.

Sen. Al Franken 'Takes Notes' During the Elena Kagan Hearings

Max Read · 06/30/10 03:08AM

Senator Al Frank (D - MN), as bored as the rest of the country, sketched his colleague Jeff Sessions (R - AL) during the Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan's confirmation hearings. Click through for a bigger image and side-by-side comparison.

The Elena Kagan Emails: 'Unf*ckingbelievable'

Adrian Chen · 06/19/10 04:53PM

The Clinton Presidential Library released a huge stash of emails from Elena Kagan's four-year stint in the Clinton administration today. Some people say they show a "blunt, savvy legal adviser" But she also said swears!