
Experience Breeds Cynicism

Hamilton Nolan · 01/04/10 10:46AM

A survey finds that idealistic youngsters who complete two years teaching at a poor school for Teach For America subsequently become burned-out cynics with "lower rates of civic involvement" than their non-TFA peers. Schools: Destroying American idealism since 1639. [NYT]

School Is Hell

Hamilton Nolan · 12/15/09 10:45AM

How academia should be: "'Hideous Gnosis,' a six-hour theory symposium on black-metal music" at a Williamsburg bar last weekend. Talks included "Perpetual Rot: Obsessive Cycles of Deterioration," on "'liminal death-space' in the work of Xasthur." Screw college. [NYT; Related]

Value of College Degree Now Negative

Hamilton Nolan · 12/14/09 10:41AM

Yet another reason to regret that college education: While unemployment nationwide began going down last month, guess which way unemployment among recent college grads moved? That's right: Up! Is there a "grim case study" to illustrate this problem, we wonder?

Teacher Suspended For Implying Chuck Palahniuk Is Cool

Hamilton Nolan · 11/09/09 09:28AM

It's the oldest tale in the book of high school cliches: Kids love Cool English Teacher for treating them like adults; administration hates Cool English Teacher for same reason; and then somewhere in there, there's a carrot in the butt.

Meet the Next "Czar" Target

Pareene · 09/24/09 02:47PM

You will soon be hearing a lot about Barack Obama's "Safe Schools Czar." His name is Kevin Jennings, and you will learn that he wants to promote homosexuality, he hates God, and he does drugs.

Harvard Grooms the Leaders of Tomorrow

cityfile · 09/04/09 11:15AM

You'd think the average grad student at Harvard would know how to use the bathroom by now, wouldn't you? Well, just to be on the safe side, Harvard's Graduate School of Arts and Sciences hands out a "bathroom etiquette guide" to all incoming students moving into university-owned housing, which is conveniently divided into what is considered "appropriate" and "inappropriate" behavior when you're using the toilets, showers and sinks. A sample is below. Prepare to be stunned.