
Teachers Want You to Know: We Don't Get Summers Off

Dayna Evans · 11/26/14 01:30PM

A little over a week ago, we posted a story calling for submissions from teachers, administrators, and aides working in America's public schools. The post itself received over 1,000 comments and my inbox was backed up with hundreds of emails from teachers who wanted to share not just horror stories but successes, too. Many told me they found the job fulfilling but the system broken, that the misconceptions about what they do were not only tiring but prohibitive. The comments section of the post had a fair number of non-teaching dissenters.

Tell Us About Your Experience Teaching in America's Public Schools

Dayna Evans · 11/18/14 12:00PM

Last month, an issue of TIME magazine hit newsstands with the grabby cover headline "Rotten Apples." The article looks at Silicon Valley's controversial involvement in bringing down teacher tenure in California—another in the pile of articles written about privatizing funds for public schools, encouraging the growth of charters, and instituting proposed fixes for America's broken school system that require not only budget cuts in high-risk communities but private financing elsewhere.

John Oliver Calls Bullshit on Debt-Fueled For-Profit Colleges

Jay Hathaway · 09/08/14 09:15AM

The student loan crisis in the U.S. would be bad enough without for-profit colleges whose entire business model relies on convincing the people most desperate for an education to sign up for lifelong debt. John Oliver picked apart some of their most horrendous practices on Sunday's Last Week Tonight.

Georgia Gov. Mistakes Hispanic College Student for an "Illegal"

Adam Weinstein · 08/28/14 12:40PM

Nathan Deal, the conservative Georgia governor who's in a tight re-election race against a grandson of Jimmy Carter, suffered a misstep Tuesday when he mistakenly assumed a Hispanic student speaking to him at the University of Georgia was an undocumented immigrant.

Study: It's Your Fault Your Kids Are Dumb

Hamilton Nolan · 07/14/14 08:30AM

Has your child had trouble at school? Have you tried tutoring, extra homework time, and everything else you can think of, with little improvement? Relax. According to the latest research, your kid's fate is already sealed.

GOP Candidate Gives Incredibly Stupid Interview on Sex Education

Adam Weinstein · 06/17/14 02:35PM

Sally Atwater is the widow of the Republican Party's most ferocious, hated political fixer. She's running to be in charge of South Carolina's education policy. If votes were awkward right-wing radio interviews on sex ed that turned adversarial, this woman would win in a landslide.

Hamilton Nolan · 06/03/14 10:24AM

A new report finds that one in six teachers in big-city school districts are "chronically absent," missing more than 18 days of school per year. When you think about who they work with, it's hard to blame them.

Cops Take 1,000 Rounds of Ammo, 7 Guns From UCSB Student's Apartment

Adam Weinstein · 05/29/14 03:06PM

At the same time as 20,000 students gathered for a vigil honoring the victims of last week's mass shooting, cops seized 7 guns and about 1,000 rounds of ammunition from a 21-year-old Santa Barbara student who nearly shot a neighbor through the wall of his apartment.

Duke Student Sues For Diploma After He's Expelled for Sexual Assault

Adam Weinstein · 05/28/14 11:20AM

A senior at Duke University who was banned from graduating after a school panel found him responsible for raping an "emotional" classmate has filed suit to get his degree so he can accept a "prestigious position" offered to him by a firm on Wall Street.