
Health Food of the Future: Less Salty Wieners

Hamilton Nolan · 06/16/10 09:48AM

Oooo, it's almost time for a brand new Government Food Pyramid! A panel of nutrition experts issued new Dietary Guidelines yesterday for Americans to ignore. The only ones paying attention: Kraft Foods Inc., your friendly corporate diet overlord.

Slow Food Crusade Won't Save the World

Jeff Neumann · 04/29/10 06:15AM

Attention foodiots! Stop snapping iPhone pictures of that grain-fed, humanely slaughtered, free-range veal burger and order up some genetically-modified super corn, because your whole cause is a scam and isn't helping anyone but Whole Foods. According to some, at least.

Science Is Our Favorite Food

Hamilton Nolan · 03/25/10 11:43AM

Eating dirt. Eating at the world's best restaurant. Eating, as a weapon of international cold war. What do all these things have in common? Science! And eating. And death!

The Food Lift is a Product That Might as Well Exist

Mike Byhoff · 03/03/10 11:10AM

How has America made such big strides in science, technology, and medicine, but Americans still face the burden of eating with their hands? We put a man on the moon, but we still have to use a fork!? No more!

Jonathan Safran Foer Was Right About the Meat Thing

Hamilton Nolan · 02/04/10 11:29AM

A new USDA survey finds that less than 1% of US farms are organic—meaning that the carnivore locavore yuppie fantasy that it's okay to eat meat as long as it comes from one of the few "good" farms is an unsustainable argument, in the Kantian sense. There will never be enough "good" farms to fulfill the demand for meat, so only forsaking meat altogether is a viable, ethical, environmental stance, in accord with the categorical imperative (universalization formulation). Which, not for nothing, is exactly what Jonathan Safran Foer says in his new book, so, we know he's a precious twee Brooklyn writer and all, but give up some props, along with that ham sandwich. Everyone knows you got to stay off that pork.

America Is Quite the Foppish Macaroni

Hamilton Nolan · 09/16/09 03:11PM

The Way We Live Now: Making the hard choices. Maserati or Benzo? Expensive Yankees tickets or very expensive Yankees tickets? Hamburger or the whole cow? Macaroni or less macaroni for the same price?

America Breaks New Year's Resolution Again

Hamilton Nolan · 07/01/09 02:00PM

America hasn't lost any weight in the past year, despite really meaning to, this time. Twenty-three states have actually gotten fatter. The obese-est state is Mississippi; the least obese is Colorado. Next year, skiing instead of mud pie, America. [Reuters]