Aw, We Think He’s Human: Disneynature’s Chimpanzee
Rich Juzwiak · 04/20/12 11:25AM
This year's Disneynature's Earth Day documentary offering, Chimpanzee, is the latest in a rash of documentaries about the emotional lives of animals to emerge in the past year or so. Project Nim, One Lucky Elephant and The Whale (my favorite of the bunch because it was responsible for one of the most moving cinema experiences I've ever had) dissect and bemoan humans' complicated relationship with those whom we share Earth with – the good, the bad, the exploitative. Those three movies present stories of direct human interaction and, more specifically, how human interruption can severely fuck up innocent animal lives.
How the CIA Secretly Fights Global Warming
Adrian Chen · 04/22/11 04:07PMStephen Colbert Loves Tree-Killing Earth Day Newspaper Supplements
Henry Baker · 04/23/10 09:44AMIn Honor of Earth Day, Fox and Friends Blue Themselves
Rachel Simpson · 04/22/10 11:16AMMusic Video Explains The Benefits of Global Warming
Matt Toder · 04/22/10 09:15AMEarth Day 2010: Your Guide to Spoiling the Planet
Max Read · 04/22/10 03:13AMThe Whole World On Her Hand
Richard Lawson · 04/22/09 04:57PMNew York Post's Cunning Environmentalism
Nick Denton · 04/21/08 12:05PM
Careful readers will have noticed something strange about the New York Post, today: there's less copy on each page, and a disconcertingly wide margin at the top and bottom, as if someone made a mistake. It's not. Rupert Murdoch's New York tabloid is shrinking, tomorrow, in honor of Earth Day; but the dimensions of the printed area were adjusted a day ahead of the actual paper, hence all the the white space. Rewind a second. "In honor of Earth Day?" Corporate America may kowtow to the environmentalists, but the Australian media mogul's News Corporation remains a bastion of planet-destroying bravado, surely.