
Teens Are Smoking Lots of, Uh, "Cigars"

Hamilton Nolan · 11/15/13 09:57AM

Today's flaccid teenagers are more interested in "gaming" on the computer with their "I-friends" than in smoking cigarettes, traditionally the cool teen pastime of choice. There is at least some burning, noxious silver lining for the tobacco industry.

Megabus Is No Longer the Best Way to Smuggle Drugs

Cord Jefferson · 10/30/13 04:07PM

Have you ever ridden Megabus, Peter Pan, or any old grungy Chinatown bus around the Eastern Seaboard and thought to yourself, Man, this would be a great way for someone to run drugs? Well, the good news is you're not alone; many people have had that idea. Don't try to turn that fantasy into a reality, however, because the cops are now wise to the game.

Will It Ever Be "Cool" For Women to Smoke Marijuana?

Hamilton Nolan · 10/28/13 03:08PM

Marijuana—maybe you've heard of it?? It's okay. We're "cool." You can act naturally around us. Look, we all know that the "schmoke" (slang for "marijuana") is everywhere now. Literally millions of American men smoke the dangerous drug. But... the fairer sex? Hold your horses.

Decriminalized Weed in Brooklyn?

Hamilton Nolan · 10/25/13 08:40AM

The man in line to become the next district attorney in Brooklyn says that he will not prosecute people caught with less than 15 grams of weed, ganja, skunk, cheeba cheeba yall. This could be great for Brooklyn's brand cachet.

Terrifying Clowns Arrested In New Jersey and Maine

Ken Layne · 10/21/13 02:15PM

Halloween is a special time when drunken adults dressed as horrifying clowns start crashing their cars and freaking people out down at the McDonald's. Over the next 10 days, hundreds of scary clowns will be arrested nationwide for all kinds of terrible behavior. When a person decides to be an evil clown for Halloween, they are basically planning on being arrested.

Molly Has Sold Out

Hamilton Nolan · 10/21/13 08:41AM

Capitalism has an innate ability to overtake and subsume all popular things, even those that were initially imagined to be explicitly anti-establishment. This goes for cool bands, great art, and even, as a matter of fact, illegal drugs.

The Weed Fairy Just Stopped By the Gawker Office

Camille Dodero · 10/18/13 04:42PM

Earlier today, we told you about the Weed Fairy, an anonymous New York City benefactor leaving free marijuana buds around Brooklyn's subway stops. It just so happens that after our post went up, the Weed Fairy magically materialized outside Gawker's Elizabeth Street office, taped a couple of Garden Breath posters on our front doors, and left a bunch of weed. This generous stoner is a woman, not a man, and the photo above is evidence of her handiwork.

Brooklyn Has a Weed Fairy

Camille Dodero · 10/18/13 01:29PM

New York is filled with scamps and scoundrels, perverts and pranksters, so when Brooklyn-via-Denver musician Travis Egedy, also known as Pictureplane, discovered a poster taped to a subway wall with a pinch of weed attached, he had to wonder: Could this gift be for real? And more importantly, should he smoke it?