
Anti-Drug PSAs Finally Burned Out

Hamilton Nolan · 03/24/14 11:42AM

It was clear many years ago that drugs have won the drug war. But what about the anti-drug commercials, those great cultural icons of our youth? Turns out that the smart money just gave up on that shit.

Drug Company Shamed Into Giving Treatment to a Dying 7-Year-Old

Gabrielle Bluestone · 03/11/14 11:08PM

Last week, a North Carolina drug company told the parents of a dying seven-year-old that they couldn't sell him a potentially life-saving treatment because doing so would slow their efforts to get the drug to market.

Legalize Weed Already

Hamilton Nolan · 01/28/14 11:40AM

The latest poll numbers, from NBC and the Wall Street Journal, are in: 55% of Americans say "they favor allowing regulated businesses to sell marijuana." What's the holdup?

Justin Bieber's New Favorite Drug Is Sizzurp

Hazel Cills · 01/18/14 12:30PM

Sources close to Justin Bieber are insisting that he doesn't do cocaine and never has "in his life," but tell TMZ the 19-year-old pop star is still hooked on a drug of an entirely different nature: Life. No, kidding: He's apparently addicted to sizzurp.

A Side Benefit of Legal Weed Is the Cops Go Broke

Hamilton Nolan · 01/10/14 01:56PM

The primary benefits of legalizing weed are the end of the horribly racist and unjustifiable imprisonment of thousands of nonviolent Americans, and awkward columns from old white columnists. A good secondary benefit, though: it costs the police money.

Hamilton Nolan · 01/10/14 12:17PM

"Still, there's a general sense that the drugs of choice for writers now are more often little blue pills than big brown bottles," writes Adam Gopnik, adding "(You can take the pill, and then send the kids to school.)" So those little blue pills would be, uh... Viagra? Valium? Please don't let it be Viagra.

Detroit Councilman Leads Cops on Chase, Has Weed in Car, Goes Free

Adam Weinstein · 01/10/14 08:28AM

George Cushingberry Jr. is probably flying high today, and not just because of the Bubba Kush he brought home from the strip club. The recently elected Detroit City Council president pro tem got off with just a ticket after taking the cops for a ride with pot and open liquor in his car.