Now parents haveone more (probably fake) young-people trend to worry about: kids these days areapparently crushing up Smarties and snorting them. Surprisingly, there is nohigh from crushing up colored sugar and sticking it up your nose, but thathasn’t stopped middle schoolers across the country from doing it. Allegedly.

One school inScarborough, Maine, was so concerned about the phenomenon — that, according to their “research,”is “the subject of many You-Tube videos” — that they sent out a document toparents titled “Important Health Information for Parents Regarding the Candy, Smarties.” Here’s what will happen to you if you snort Smarties, according tothe document:

Allergic reaction –if the child is allergic to sugar snorting or smoking Smarties can lead to animmediate allergic reaction which untreated may lead to respiratory arrest anddeath.

Possible Maggots –Dr. Oren Friedman, a Mayo Clinic nose specialist, has cautioned that frequent snortingcould even rarely lead to maggots feeding on the sugary dust wedged inside thenose

Precursor to futurecigarette smoking and drug use – although there is no addictive piece to Smarties, the concernis this behavior will lead to cigarette smoking or snorting of drugs.

I know that”possible maggots” makes the Smarties-snorting trend sound like it’s prioritynumber one, but after reading some troubling related searches to “snortingcandy” on Google, I’d like to add a few more targets to the list, namely, FunDip (“snorting fun dip bad”) and Pixie Sticks (“can snorting pixie sticks killyou”). Here’s to the war on snortable candies.

[H/T NewsBreaker Extra, image via Flickr]

Sylvie Krekow is a writer in New York.