
Overcome Self-Doubt Using Self-Loathing

Hamilton Nolan · 01/04/11 02:14PM

Courage theories! Sea drugs! Self-doubt conquering! Multi-species jet lag! True hair colors! The fattest place on earth! Dumb babies! And rovers that just won't quit! It's your Tuesday Science Watch, where we watch science—while "doing the robot," with words!

Fat Babies Make Everyone Hate God

Hamilton Nolan · 01/03/11 04:03PM

Fat babies! European fake cigarettes! Brain-blaming! Japan-tic Chantix antics! Yoga boozing! Cancer tests! Druggy weight loss drugs! And dumb god anger! It's your Monday Health Watch, where we watch your health—while ordering toddlers to assume the push-up position!

Cab Driver Unwittingly Busts Mobile Meth Lab

Jeff Neumann · 12/27/10 06:26AM

On Christmas Day, a Chicago cab driver picked up 25-year-old Joseph Hoffman. When they arrived at Hoffman's destination, he was passed out cold. The driver eventually called police, who found a mobile meth lab and other drugs worth $450,000.

Dental Patient Under Heavy Anesthesia Simulates Driving Race Car

Christopher Han · 12/26/10 01:51PM

Technically, this qualifies as a DUI. While getting his wisdom teeth removed, this driving fan kicks his imaginary car into overdrive, accompanying his pedal and gear motions with amusing engine sounds. His YouTube username is CarAficionado24.

Great Blizzard of 2010 Thwarted at JFK Airport

Jeff Neumann · 12/26/10 12:54PM

Agents from the Drug Enforcement Administration yesterday crushed the New Year's Eve plans of many New Yorkers when they busted two men who arrived on a flight from Puerto Rico with 92 pounds of cocaine in their luggage. Bummer. [NYP]

Reindeer Shroom to Escape Winter Boredom

Maureen O'Connor · 12/23/10 04:18PM

An article in Pharmaceutical Journal claims that "reindeer deliberately seek out the mind-bending fungi to escape the monotony of dreary, long winters." Herdsmen then drink their pee to get a secondary high. Explains all that flying, doesn't it? [Sun, via]

Pat Robertson Wants the Devil's Weed Decriminalized

Jim Newell · 12/22/10 05:51PM

Whatever happened to the culture warriors? Everyone is either a gay soldier or a black president nowadays. Or perhaps even a pot decriminalizing televangelist? This is old Pat Robertson, now. Pat Robertson is sick of the War on Marijuana.

Why Are All Our College Kids Going Crazy?

Hamilton Nolan · 12/20/10 11:54AM

Over the past decade, the percentage of college students visiting school counseling centers who are "coping with serious mental illness" has more than doubled. What's happening here? Better legal psychiatric drugs? Worse illegal hallucinogenic drugs? Psht. We blame Wal-Mart.

Are Your Supplements Spiked With Illegal Drugs, or Do They Suck?

Hamilton Nolan · 12/16/10 04:49PM

Staph inequality! DNA play okay! Probiotic neurotics! Supplement spikers! Sickening food! Fearless women! Caffeine kids! Young anorexics! And heart disease news for the old-person demographic! It's your Thursday Health Watch, where we watch your health—with a little something extra!

The Time Santa Took Some Drugs and Danced

Matt Cherette · 12/16/10 02:38PM

Here's a video of some guy in a Santa suit—he's thin, so obviously it's not the real Santa—dancing to himself on the side of a road. Why? Nobody knows. Who's filming him? Who cares! Come jam along, inside.

Kids Love Weed More Than Sugar

Hamilton Nolan · 12/14/10 03:22PM

Vitamin sleep! Radiation babies! Sugar cereal! Fat Scots! Hotel workouts! Soda tax! Alzheimer's explanations! And the war on drugs pays off! It's your Tuesday Health Watch, where we watch your health—if you can call it that!