
Hamilton Nolan · 08/23/13 01:50PM

Sanjay Gupta supports medical marijuana now, but that didn't stop his employer from trying to shut down sales of a new “Sanjay Gupta Kush” strain in Colorado. Why does CNN hate agriculture?

Eric Holder Calls Drug-War Sentencing "Ineffective and Unsustainable"

Cord Jefferson · 08/12/13 04:36PM

In a speech before the American Bar Association in San Francisco today, Attorney General Eric Holder advocated for sweeping changes in both how nonviolent drug offenders are sentenced in the United States and how we use our prisons. It only took decades and countless taxpayer dollars, but someone with some power is finally admitting that maybe we're going about the drug war all wrong.

Kids Need More Coffee and Less Ritalin

Hamilton Nolan · 08/09/13 11:21AM

Kids these days are straight up zooted and bouncing off the emergency room walls, thanks to copious supplies of Adderrall and Ritalin and all the other ADHD drugs that they got from you. (They learned it by watching you, okay?) If we'd simply been giving our kids Vivarin this whole time, none of this would have happened.

Sanjay Gupta Is All For Weed Now

Hamilton Nolan · 08/08/13 09:02AM

Alert, medical professionals: television doctor and 2003 People magazine "Sexiest Man Alive" runner-up Sanjay Gupta now supports medical marijuana. Please update your science textbooks.

Major “Crack Baby” Study Concludes Poverty Worse for Kids Than Crack

Cord Jefferson · 07/24/13 05:45PM

Decades ago, when a new drug called crack was tearing apart communities across the U.S., much of the concern about the epidemic revolved around so-called "crack babies." To speak frankly, the fear seemed to be that poor black women who were smoking crack while pregnant would give birth to a legion of black children with all kinds of physical and mental abnormalities. Comedians had whole standup routines devoted to the scourge of crack babies, while some cities went so far as to prosecute women who gave birth to babies who'd been exposed to cocaine. Today, research out of Pennsylvania confirms that some people whose mothers smoked crack while pregnant do indeed struggle at times, but not for the reasons one might think.