
Black People Are Cowards

Homeboy Sandman · 04/28/14 10:17AM

In light of the recent decision by a professional basketball team, comprised of mostly black players, to respond to their boss basically saying “I hate niggers” by turning their shirts inside out the next day at work, I have come to the decision that I agree wholeheartedly with the owner of the Los Angeles Clippers, and I too do not want black people invited to my events.

Racist NBA Owner Donald Sterling Is Racist on Tape

Tom Scocca · 04/26/14 11:38AM

For years and years, the NBA, which depends on the labor of black athletes and the goodwill of black fans, has tried to ignore the well-documented fact that Donald Sterling, the owner of the Los Angeles Clippers, is unambiguously and actively racist (in addition to being a lawbreaker and all-around degenerate).