
Fiona Apple's Dying-Dog Letter Is Very Sad

Camille Dodero · 11/20/12 06:45PM

During the press onslaught surrounding Fiona Apple's recent album, The Idler Wheel. . ., the most important character in the artist's personal sphere was her pit-bull mix, Janet, a 13-year-old stray rescue.

The World's Tallest Dog Is Tall as Hell

Max Read · 09/19/12 02:06PM

Meet Zeus, the world's tallest dog, as certified by the Guinness Book of World Records. How tall is Zeus? Zeus measures "44 in (111.8 cm) from foot to withers" (the withers is "the ridge between the shoulder blades of a four-legged mammal").

Two Hundred Chihuahuas Seized from Pennsylvania Home

Taylor Berman · 07/19/12 10:34PM

In bizarro Pennsylvania news, over 200 chihuahuas were seized from a home in Benton on Thursday. Obviously some horrifically strange person lived there, but this is sort of a sad case – as opposed to just being weird – because many of the dogs were sick or already dead. The surviving dogs will all be in animal shelters by Friday, where they'll be treated by veterinarians and, if deemed healthy/sane enough, put up for adoption. Mike Pechart, who oversees dog law enforcement at the Pennsylvania Agriculture Department, hit the nail on the head when he described the situation as, "an unfortunate situation of animal hoarding."

Rich People Force Their Dogs to Live in Beautiful, Ramshackle Mansions

Caity Weaver · 06/28/12 06:22PM

The always-infuriating New York Times Style section featured a story Thursday about insanely expensive dog houses. It was an article tailor-made made to generate the piquant brand of blind rage specific to every story featured by the always-infuriating New York Times Style section.

No, You Can't Strangle Puppies for Art

Louis Peitzman · 04/28/12 11:16AM

Close call, everyone: a German artist has been denied the ability to perform his piece Death as Metamorphosis, in which he was going to strangle two puppies to death on stage. Despite the horrific, seemingly anti-puppy content, the artist claims he had the noblest of intentions.

Pêt-à-Porter: Cats And Dogs Dressing Together

Dustin Fenstermacher · 04/24/12 09:00PM

Intergroom, the annual international grooming convention and competition, took place this past weekend at the Meadowlands Convention Center in Secaucus, NJ. It was colorful. Here's a play-by-play from photographer Dustin Fenstermacher.

Did You Choose Your Pet the Right Way?

Hamilton Nolan · 04/18/12 08:47AM

According to a new study from the ASPCA, most people select which puppy to adopt based on physical appearance; for cats, the top criteria is "behavior with people." That's because cats are assholes.

Mitt Romney's Irish Setter Loved Riding on Top of the Family Car

Louis Peitzman · 04/16/12 06:47PM

Ann Romney is ready to set the record straight about the whole "dog strapped to the roof of the car" business. In an interview with Diane Sawyer, Ann recalled that Seamus the Irish Setter "loved" riding in a carrier on top of the family's Chevrolet. In fact, it would have been far crueler to leave him at a kennel.