
Wal-Mart Supports Diiiiiversity

Hamilton Nolan · 06/02/08 03:00PM

"Diversity has more than two I's," declares this illogical and insulting ad from Wal-Mart. According to the megaretailer and cultural homogenization machine, the word actually has five I's: Ideas, Input, Innovation, Influence and Impact. What, no Inspiration, Illustriousness, or Indubitably Incredible Instances of Impressive Ingenuity? I (ha) really question Wal-Mart's commitment. Why settle for diiiiiversity when you can have diiiiiiiiiiiiversity? Full picture of the disappointingly modest ad, after the jump.

Crazy Old Bay Ridge Man Faces Tenant Revolt

Hamilton Nolan · 04/07/08 11:22AM

Richard Martin, the crazy sign-posting super in Bay Ridge who enjoys insulting tenants and watching his little dog ride the mechanical pony, is back in his proper place: the newspaper. The Daily News, determined to win the Martin-related tabloid war, reports today that the crazy old coot has finally moved the garbage cans out of his lobby, where he had placed them to piss off his tenants. He clarifies that those tenants are still, however, "disgusting slobs." But one anonymous tenant has struck back by lighting one of Martin's crazy signs on fire "and scorching the wall behind it." War! Could this be the end for our hero's reign of textual terror? Heaven forbid. In remembrance, a photo of our all time favorite Richard Martin sign [via BeehiveHairdresser] after the jump. We call it "Irish Fucking Christmas."

ABC Deemed Least Aggressively Causcasian Of The TV Networks

mark · 10/31/07 11:42AM

Congratulations are in order for ABC, the network deemed marginally less lily-white than its borderline-albino broadcast rivals in a television diversity report just released by Multi-Ethnic Media Coalition. Behind the leadership of televisionary Steve McPherson—an executive unafraid to crack some skulls when his shows begin to lag behind their diversity benchmarks—and hits like Ugly Betty, ABC easily triumphed over competition that was either satisfied to maintain the Caucasian status quo or backslide further into the alabaster void:

Doree Shafrir · 07/19/07 03:55PM

We're still stumped as to the identity of the Times masthead editor with the gay problem, but a Times source tells us that the paper's anti-harassment policy (which, our tipster notes, is seven years old) was reprinted in yesterday's edition of in-house newsletter Ahead of the Times, with the following introduction: "From time to time, the company likes to remind employees of its
various policies. In that spirit, we've now posted on the news administration policy Web page the company's anti-harassment policy. We encourage you to read it, which features guidelines on what to do if you have a complaint, or receive one." Curiouser and curiouser!

Who's The 'Times' Masthead Editor With The Gay Problem?

Doree Shafrir · 07/17/07 11:25AM

Last week, we posted a memo that the Times sent around to staff outlining its latest diversity initiatives, including the establishment of a "Diversity Advisory Council." Note, however, that diversity at the Times, for all intents and purposes, means racial and gender diversity; even though there are a bunch of "affinity groups" where gays, lesbians, and whoever else can have a kaffeeklatsch, the gays aren't ever included in the diversity calculations. (God forbid the liberals should count the gays like they do the blacks!) Which makes the email we got after we posted the item all the more fascinating.

Fisticuffs Keeping It So Real In Hell's Kitchen

jliu · 05/20/07 11:34AM

First rule of biweekly fight club at St. Paul the Apostle on Columbus Ave.? Tell every reporter you see! Gym proprietor Justin Blair's "Friday Night Fights" finally makes it to Sunday Styles today, and everybody, patrons and writers alike, is on talking-point message.

Hollywood Diversity Shocker: White Guys Still Doing All The Writing

mark · 05/09/07 11:29AM

In the continuation of an annual ritual that has become the Writers Guild's version of Groundhog Day, WGA West president Patric Verrone has finally emerged from his Third Street burrow to publicly flip through the pages of the 2007 Hollywood Writers Report on diversity, and, discovering that minority writers have made "scant progress" since last year's holiday, quickly retreated back inside, indicating that we're in for 12 more months of disproportionate white male representation in the scribe sector. We won't bore you with the statistics, but know that if you're a Caucasian with a penis and a copy of Final Draft, things are still looking pretty good for you.

Michael Arrington is not a racist

ndouglas · 02/10/06 02:30AM

Whoa. Michael Arrington finds himself telling a critic, in public, that he's not a racist. Ed Dunn, creator of the search tool Fooky, has implied such.